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Life Hacks

27 Unique Life Hacks That Will Change Your Life

The Most Satisfying Ear Wax Hack!

Millions of people suffer from tinnitus, ear infections and hearing issues. What they don’t realize is that a lot of the time ear wax build-up is what is causing their everyday issues. Ear wax can become incredibly compacted in the small tunnels of your ear and cause all sorts of problems.

What’s worst, is that the majority of people use Q-Tips to try and fix the problem. Q-tips were invented way back in 1923 and doctors are always warning about the dangers of using them — they can puncture ear drums, cause hearing loss, push wax further in and make it so hard and compact that sometimes surgery is required to remove it.

After much trouble with my ears, and shouting WHAT to my husband everyday due to hearing loss, I was determined to find something better then a Q-tip to help clear my ear canals. That’s when I stumbled on the most satisfying (and gross) ear wax hack — the Tvidler!

Tvidler is an innovative tool that goes safely in your ear, breaks up the compacted ear wax and pulls it out. It has a soft corkscrew tip that easy gets all the ear wax out of your ears. It’s short, super soft, causes no damage, and boy does it work! 

The first time I used it, I was disgusted by the sheer amount of gunk I pulled out of my ears. I now use it regularly, so my build-up doesn’t get as out of control as it once was. My tinnitus cleared up and I can hear so much better. It’s reusable and very affordable. I highly recommend this body hack!

We’ve partnered with the developers of this innovative product to provide our readers with an exclusive 50% off deal.