Life Hacks
33 Life Hacks to Solve Your Everyday Problems
Disappearing Ink

Although we are often grateful for receiving a much-needed item at a discounted rate or free, accepting the condition of the item is not always easy. One item that occasionally suffers from having a previous owner: the book. Books are the epitome of essential study tools. They teach us the how’s and why’s of life with their varying lengths and subject matters. An issue that often accompanies a book that has been used is highlighter stains.
The previous owner obviously enjoyed the book, selecting key phrases and statements that may have resonated with them. Unfortunately, your views may not be the same, and you may way to highlight completely different sections in your own fashion. Highlighters are not equipped with erasers, so removing the highlighter stain seems impossible – until now.
If you wish to rid yourself of old highlighter marks, use lemon juice! Apply the lemon juice to the stain using a cotton swab. The highlighter ink will disappear!