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Life Hacks

33 Life Hacks to Solve Your Everyday Problems

Germless Legos

Children seem to invent new ways to create messes. They live their fun, adorable lives in an innocent, care-free fashion, leaving adults to solve their issues. As children often do, they make friends, inviting them over to play with their toys. They play outside and indoors, riding bikes freely, then heading inside to play video games or build Legos. As your children play innocently with other children, touching hands as they exchange in play, one thing is for certain: germs are being exchanged as well. Your children’s toys, whether visible or not, tend to carry dirt and grime. Simply using disinfectant spray or wipes may not be totally effective at times.

For an easy way to clean your child’s waterproof toys, such as Legos, all you need is a laundry bag and your dishwasher! Gather the toys into the laundry bag, place them inside of the dishwasher, and begin a cycle as normal. Before the drying cycle starts, remove the toys, and let them air dry. Use this method for other items, such as dish brushes and seashells, as well.