Life Hacks
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Stop Sleeping in a Cluster of Gross Bacteria With These Germ Destroying Sheets

Did you know that sheets that haven’t been washed in one week have 3 million particles of bacteria per square inch? That’s 17,442 more then a toilet seat. Your sheets are literally crawling and saturated with bacteria and germs.
And where do you think this swamp of bacteria is going when you lay down? That’s right, it’s seeping into your skin and you’re breathing them in all night when you sleep.
It you are throughly grossed out (you should be), then you should consider sheets that use silver ions to kill bacteria. Miracle Sheets is one of the best reviewed brands that contains these bacteria destroying ions. These sheets kill 99.9% of bacteria, are temperature regulating and are super soft.
Miracle sheets are made of all-natural silver that kills bacteria by connecting to the bacteria through positive charge ions and then destroys the bacteria from the inside-out before they can reproduce. Basic sheets are a breeding ground for dust and bacteria, but Miracle Sheets stops bacteria in its tracks.
I love when I can put hygienic and luxury in the same sentence and these sheets earned both those words. Killing the bacteria makes Miracle Sheets:
- Better for your skin (no bacteria clogging up your pores causing breakouts)
- Reduce the risk for fungal and bacterial infections (dirty sheets can cause jock itch or worse)
- Cleaner (less laundry)
- Odor Free
- Low Maintenance
And on top of that Miracle Sheets are:
- so so soft and comfortable
- cooling and moisture-wicking
Try Miracle Sheets risk-free and we’ll even throw in a discount. Here’s to happy, cool, and clean nights.