40 Life Hacks That Will Change the Way You Live

A life hack is a tool or technique that you can incorporate in your day-to-day life to accomplish a task more effectively. Life hacks come in a broad range of styles and types. Whether you need life hacks for traveling or for getting tasks done at home, they can all be quite effective! Today, we are going to take a close look at the top 40 life hacks that we could find on the internet.
Read below for 40 life hacks that you can use today to improve your life!
Create a Travel Cup With Cellophane

A life hack doesn’t have to be completely world-altering. In fact, the best life hacks will take a small problem and fix it for you! When it comes to traveling with a drink, all you need is some generic cellophane wrap and a straw. The cellophane will seal the lid the container while adhering to the sides of the cup. Easy, right?
Portable UV Light Sanitizer

We’ve noticed these Handheld Ultraviolet Light Sanitizers being sold all over Facebook and decided to do our own research to figure out if they actually worked and which brand was the best. When we tested them, we found that they did in fact work and are frequently used in hospitals all around the country. Our research shows that they work by attacking the cell walls of bacteria and viruses and eliminates them by making them unable to reproduce.
We also researched all of the brands and found Mobile Klean to be the most effective, made with the best quality and the most reasonably priced portable UV sanitizer available.
With the country reopening and the number of coronavirus cases continuing to climb we quickly snapped up a few of these UV light sanitizers so that we could always keep our phones, computers and other surfaces protected. We are constantly blasting everything we use with the disinfecting light from Mobile Klean including our car, restaurants, public restrooms and even our office.
With everything going on in the world most companies have short supply of the Mobile Klean devices, so we went straight to the manufacturer. Not only did we find out they had some supply left, they said they would honor this 50% discount code for a limited time.
Sleep Better With Soap Under Your Sheets

If you are struggling to fall asleep or suffer from the unfortunate restless leg syndrome then you should try this genius life hack. Put a bar of soap under your sheets and you will find that you sleep much better. This sounds odd, but how it works is that the magnesium that is contained within the soap is a natural muscle relaxer and will ease your restless legs syndrome and help you sleep much better.
Track Your Luggage With Fabric

Tired of straining your eyes at the luggage return wheel? If so, consider adding a piece of bright and colorful fabric to your favorite suitcase. The fabric can be from an old shirt, so you don’t even have to spend money. This allows you to quickly track and identify your bag while it sits or spins in the waiting area. Who said that shirt from grandma can’t come in handy?
Fix Your Your Slow, Annoying Wifi Issues

Anybody who remembers the old days of the internet likely remembers slow dial-up speeds and fights between family members over who got to use the computer. However, these issues don’t have to be a significant problem if you install a wifi booster in your home. For example, SuperBoost can provide many benefits that make it an exciting choice for many households.
This device is a hand-sized gizmo that plugs into a wall outlet in a home and automatically hooks up to a person’s wireless internet. With dual-antennas and a built-in speed of 300 Mbps, the SuperBoost helps to increase a home’s wireless speed and makes it much more consistent – when used correctly, it can handle the demands of five or more full-speed streams in one house.
As a result, SuperBoost is an excellent choice for any home with a large number of internet users. While those who live at home or who rarely stream may not need a product with this strength, anybody who binges Netflix or Hulu daily may find that this product improves their life in ways that they didn’t expect. And at a reasonable price, it is reasonably easy for most to afford.
Click Here To Claim Your 50% Off Before It’s Taken Down
Find the PERFECT Avocado Every Time

No matter where you stand on avocados, everyone knows how annoying it is to bring home rotten produce. With avocados, the quickest way to identify the state of the fruit is by looking at the stem. If the stem is dry and easily removed, the entire avocado is likely close to being rotten. If you see a bright yellowish-green stem, you are good to go!
Beat the Summer Heat With This Brand New Gizmo

Every summer, I want to get out more than I do but struggle to find the desire when the heat is so devastating. Like many people, I end up staying sheltered in my home for most of the summer and don’t get out to the beach or anywhere else nearly as much as I always imagine. However, that all ended the day that I bought my first Blaux Wearable AC, a unique personal air conditioning unit.
After seeing how well it was rated online, I bought it on the recommendation of a friend. And it was one of the best decisions I ever made! With a powerful intake filter, the Blaux Wearable AC uses powerful fans to produce cooling air that keeps me comfortable no matter where I go. It’s convenient to wear around the neck and stays in place even as I jog.
Typically, I charge it up at the beginning of every day – using the included (how rare is that?!) USB C cable – and put it on my neck when I needed to go out. One full charge is more than enough for one day. I’ve taken this beauty with me to Florida at Disney during the hottest months of the year and felt 10-15 degrees cooler.
Here is a working link with 50% discount code applied to order a Blaux Wearable AC if you are interested.
Prevent Latching With a Rubber Band

If you are moving into a building, you might need to keep the property open and unlocked. One of the best ways to keep your door from locking behind you is by fixing a rubber band to both handles. As you can see in this image, the rubber band acts to prevent the door from latching. Who said unloading furniture has to be hard?
Control Your Dog’s Annoying Bark With This Innovative Product

Like any dog owner, I love my canine companion, but I am not that big of a fan of her bark. Sometimes, she gets out of control, and there is nothing I can do to calm her down from her need to bark. At least that was the case until I discovered BarxBuddy. A friend of mine had told me that everybody had his work was using this little device to keep their dog’s yapping in line.
What is BarxBuddy? It’s a small device – it fits pretty comfortably into my not-exactly-huge hands – that emits high-pitched frequencies at the push of a button. Don’t worry! You won’t hear them, but your dog sure will. They won’t hurt your dog’s ear – they’re not loud enough to cause damage – but will startle them out of barking and get them quiet with just one push of a button.
The thing I particularly love about the BarxBuddy is that it can help with other behavior problems. My pup had a massive problem with chewing paper towels until I got BarxBuddy. Now, she stops the moment she sees me with this gadget. And a bright LED light can help capture the attention if all else fails, which helps with my brother’s deaf dog.
See why thousands of pet owners have already given BarxBuddy a 5-star review. And if you’re lucky, the massive discount they’re offering is still available here.
Drain Overflow With a Dust Pan

Is there anything as alarming as a water faucet that can’t turn off? If you have an overflowing sink situation, grab a dustbin to use it to bridge the gap between your sink and a bucket. Who knew that dustbins would be so useful? If you have a smaller-than-average dustbin, this solution might not work out well.
Avoid Unnecessary Illnesses With This Life Hack

Nobody wants to get sick, and every little cough can be scary in the days of the coronavirus. However, there has to be a way for people to spot sickness symptoms before they occur without having to live in a life of fear. Thankfully, the Blaux Oxi Level can help with this process. This unique device has many benefits that make it worth your time.
This product is an oxygen meter that tests your blood oxygen level, which should be in the high 90s when you are healthy. Most people have a blood oxygen level of at least 99 percent most of the time, but when you get sick, this level can drop. Thankfully, the Blaux Oxi Level can check your blood oxygen level to see if you are experiencing any early oxygen loss.
Knowing this number more quickly allows you to know when to take yourself to the doctor and when you can stay at home. Just as importantly, these tools can help you if you have other health problems, such as asthma, breathing troubles, or even heart problems. By knowing your blood oxygen level at all times, you can stay on top of potential health issues more efficiently.
Blaux Oxi Level is always in a constant state of being sold out, but right now they still have some in stock. We even found a discount for 50% off which can be found by clicking here.
Keep Your Muscles as Toned as YOU Want With THIS Simple Product

Are you sick of watching your hard-earned muscles slowly disappear year after year? You are not the only one. Aging is tough on the body and can make it harder to keep your muscles healthy and in great shape. However, that doesn’t have to be the case if you use high-quality KoreTense Bands. I’ve been using them for years and find that they work wonders.
These bands operate on the age-old concept of resistance training. Simply tie the anchor to your wall or a door and pull against them to build your muscles. What I particularly like about these bands is their adaptability. They are easy to use for both arm and leg exercises and are designed to focus specifically on the often hard-to-reach core muscles.
As these muscles help to keep you secure and stable and promote better overall health, I cannot emphasize working them accurately enough. By using the KoreTense resistance bands, you can quickly increase your core strength and have the ability to perform other exercises. That alone makes these an excellent choice for many buyers, particularly those for whom muscular strength is an integral part of their life.
Because KoreTense is a startup, we have struck an exclusive deal to provide you with 50% off only for today.
Help Your Throat With Marshmallow

Dealing with a sore throat is rarely fun. That raw and scratchy feeling can linger throughout your day, causing discomfort around the clock. One of the easiest ways to reduce throat pain is by eating a marshmallow! Science has shown that sap from the marshmallow plant can be an effective treatment for both coughs and sore throats.
Identify How Fresh Your Eggs Are

You don’t have to be a pirate to be against ‘really bad eggs’. The only issue with bad eggs is that they can be tough to spot before you eat them. A quick way to test potentially old/bad/rotten eggs is by dropping them into a bowl of water. Older eggs will float to the top, showing that they are out of date.
Quickly Cover Odor

If you have a window air conditioning unit, you can quickly freshen up your living space. One of the easiest ways to quickly address odor in a room is by taping a dryer sheet over your air conditioning unit. Simply turn on the A/C after the sheet has been taped and let the air circulate. You’ll pretty quickly find that odor a thing of the past!
Beat Neck Pain The Easy Way With THIS Hack

Neck pain is a common problem that impacts millions of people. And I am one of them – for years, I couldn’t figure out an easy way to manage my work-related neck pain. I’d try self-massage at my desk, trips to the chiropractor, and even the healing hands of my wife. But nothing seemed to do the trick until I picked up the NeckRelax at a price that I couldn’t resist.
And I’m glad I picked it up because WOW it makes a huge difference. Though I’ve tried other items like these in the past, I loved the small nature of the NeckRelax – it looks like a comfortable set of headphones and three different modalities. These options helped produce the most substantial healing benefit for me and were more than worth the price I paid for it.
First of all, the deep infrared heat offered by this device helped to relax my tissues and, according to my doctor, may help with circulation. And the different massage modes are designed for specific uses, such as handling sports injuries or other problems that may develop with your neck. And the electro-frequency massages target specific muscles in a way that works.
Since the company is still new, they are currently offering 50% off by clicking here.
Glasses Phone Holder

You don’t know the struggle of public transit until you are forced to hold your phone in front of your face for an hour. If you have a long drive or a lot of free time, use a pair of glasses to prop up your phone. As you can see here, your glasses can make the perfect cradle for your viewing experience!
End Sweaty Shirt Syndrome This Summer FOR GOOD

Summer is my favorite season of the year, but do you know what I hate? Sweaty Shirt Syndrome. This problem happens every time I go out during the hottest days of the year. Even when I go out to my mailbox, I come back soaked in sweat. Having to change my shirt two or three times a day got old, so I did some research and found the Blaux personal air conditioner.
This cooling unit fits comfortably around the neck and provides a fresh airflow that is surprisingly refreshing. I didn’t think that a little cold air around my head would take care of excess heat so much, but it did! The secret lies in the fact that you get most of your heat from your head during the summer. By keeping it fresh, you don’t get anywhere near as hot as you would otherwise.
As a result, I can go outside during the hottest day of the summer and come back in without a sweaty shirt. My kids were particularly jealous of my sweat-free shirts and saved up their cash to buy some Blaux air conditioners for themselves. Now, we proudly wear them every time we go out during the summer, and we’re always the most comfortable family!
No surprise, companies are catching on and if you haven’t seen it all over Facebook already Blaux Air Conditioners keep you amazing cool in the summer. The best part? We dug and dug and found a 50% off Coupon right here.
Engage in the Pre-Shower Sweat Sesh

On the rare days that you can’t get a workout in, try to schedule a mini session before taking your shower for the day. If you are going to shower anyway, might as well work up a sweat! These pre-shower sweat sessions can be great for engineering momentum for your fitness goals. Add a few lunches, squats, or push-ups before hopping in to rinse off.
Quickly Waterproof Your Shoes With Bees Wax

Are you going for a hike? Has it been raining? No matter what the situation is, you can keep your feet dry by simply purchasing Bees Wax. Bees Wax can work to insulate your shoes from water, thus protecting the surface from any damage. In this picture, you’ll see Lundmark Bees Wax Lubricating Compound has been liberally applied to the top and bottom of the shoe.
Sick of Snoring at Night? Solve That Problem With This Tool

Are you sick of tossing and turning every night while your partner snores up a storm? You’re not alone! This problem affects millions of people across the nation and is an issue for both partners. The snoring partner may wake up due to their snoring and sleep poorly while their partner will sleep even worse because they can’t get peace at night.
However, the Sleep Connection device can help by detecting when you are snoring and letting you know. It works by giving a small impulse on the wrist that isn’t enough to wake you up. However, the discomfort is enough to get a person to shift position unconsciously, which could help clear up their passageway and eliminate snoring problems.
I tried this with my husband – the world’s world champion of snoring, I promise you – and the first night I tried it, he didn’t snore for longer than a few seconds. Each time he started to snore – I stayed up an hour to watch – the device would turn on, and he would shift his position. Our nightly fights for sleep are over, and I can’t thank Sleep Connection enough for this incredible peace and relaxation!
Save Business Cards With Your Phone

Let’s just face it, nobody wants to have to dig through a Rolodex of business cards whenever they open their wallet. In the event that your wallet is full, you can consider snapping a picture of the business card instead. You’ll always have access to the information and you won’t be over-encumbering your wallet, either.
Never Lose Any Data With This Smart Cloud-Based Storage Device

Anybody who has ever owned a computer, tablet, or smartphone has experienced data loss at some time or another. Computers are astounding devices but are not perfect and can fail unexpectedly at just about any time. As somebody who works a lot on many devices, I’ve experienced this problem far too many times to count – and when your backup to the backup gives out, you’re in real trouble.
However, the InfinitiKloud is a little different because it is not only swappable between PC, Mac, and Android devices, but uses cloud-based proprietary software to access and store your data. When you buy one of these devices, you set up an account for a certain level of storage and then place the items that you want on your private cloud that is accessible only with your InfinitiKloud.
That advantage is huge for anybody who wants complete storage safety and data protection. As you can only access your data with this device, your data is 100 percent protected from others. With powerful encryption tools and the capability to work with any device without formatting issues, the InfinitiKloud is an essential device for anybody who works with computers.
Right now, the company is offering a 50% discount for new customers which can only be found by clicking here.
Simple Ironing Trick For Shirts

Ironing a shirt that has buttons can be an aggravating task. In order to make life easier for you and your clothing, flip your shirts inside out before ironing them. With the shirt inside-out, you will be able to swiftly and effectively iron overtop the buttons. Use this trick for any clothing that has odd accessories on the front!
Lose Weight and Stay in Shape With THIS Cool Device

Staying in shape is all about having the will to work out and staying consistent with your routines. However, it is straightforward to lose track of your exercise days and your diet and gain weight or lose your progress. As a result, it is vital to do whatever you can to get in shape and to make sure you do so safely. That’s where the Oshen Watch can come into play.
This watch’s users have found that it helps motivate them to stay in shape in different ways. First of all, it tracks your vital statistics, making it easier to know how many calories you’ve burned and how hard you’ve worked out that day. In this way, you can avoid any problems that may occur, such as working too hard and injuring yourself.
Just as importantly, the Oshen Watch can be used to keep track of your health stats before you visit a doctor. Track your heart and breathing rates as you work out and let your doctor know what you are experiencing. In this way, you can get the best possible workout for your needs and provide yourself with the best health possible, no matter your age or fitness.
Enjoy our exclusive 50% off Discount while the still have watches left!
Best Technique For Drying Shoes
We’ve all heard shoes tumbling around in the dryer at one point or another. Annoying, right? If you want to effectively tumble-dry your shoes without the noise, consider this life hack! All you have to do is tie your shoes together via their laces. Leave one shoe out of the dryer and next to the machine to brace the other shoe. Ta-da! A dry shoe without the noise is on its way!

Layer Your Trashcans With Newspaper

Trashcans just get nastier the more we think about them. In order to diminish that nasty vibe, consider layering the base of your trashcan with old newspapers. These old newspapers work to sop up and absorb food juices that you might throw away at a later date. At the very least, this is an effective way to reduce the mess in your home.
Nail Clipping Without Frustration

Unless you are particularly fond of breaking World Records, you will probably make it a habit to cut your nails. With that being said, clipping our nails can be both annoying and painful. For that reason, the team at ClipperPro decided to craft an ‘any-direction’ nail clipper from surgical grade steel. No more working with weird angles or living with uneven nails.
Keep An Emergency Card

The crazy thing about life is that we never know what is coming next. For that reason, being prepared can be the difference between life and death. Consider printing or laminating your own medical card to keep on your person at all times. You never know when this might come in handy!
Lengthen Your Life With Meditation

The art of meditation has never been more important than it is today. We live in a high-speed world brimming with the constant transportation of information. Sometimes, we need to just sit back and breathe. Meditating can dramatically reduce your stress while improving overall happiness in your life. In fact, proper meditation techniques can even extend your lifespan!
Travel With Dirty Laundry the BEST Way

Traveling with dirty laundry definitely isn’t fun. If you are like us, you know how uncomfortable it can be to know that your dirty laundry is fouling up your bag. In order to offset potential odor while delivering peace of mind, consider sealing your dirty laundry in a tied-off bag with a bar of fresh soap. You’ll smell great and your bag will, too!
Purify Your Room With Charcoal

Charcoal has been used for years to address odor concerns in the air. Now you can use activated charcoal at home to remove problematic odors from your living environment. In addition to odor control, charcoal also removes allergens and bacteria from the air. Make sure that you are using activated charcoal, however, and not the stuff you use to grill with!
Improve Your Water Intake

One of the easiest ways to dramatically improve your life is by drinking water. Simple, right? Well, not exactly — you still need to get enough water every day for this to work. To make this happen, consider buying a large clear water bottle before dividing it into sections. Each section should coincide with a cup. Make sure that you drink eight ‘sections’ per day!
Prevent Juice Spills Forever

If you have a child or simply a passion for drinking juice boxes, you know how messy these juice boxes can get. To prevent your next apple juice from exploding all over the table, simply cut a small hole in the corner of the material. One simple incision will protect you from any spill that might be coming your way!
Bouncing Battery Energy Check

It can be hard to keep track of fresh batteries, especially when you change out one or two at a time rather than the whole set. One quick way to check the lifespan of a battery is by dropping it onto a table from six inches away. If the battery bounces and falls over, it is still good. If the battery rolls around and bounces a lot, it is likely almost dead.
Eat Well by Meal Prepping

Meal prepping can be the perfect way to address a variety of issues. By setting aside one day per week to cook and store meals, you can save money, reduce time waste, and even limit your stress. Meal prepping is one of the easiest ways to dramatically improve your overall health, financially and physically.
Take Breaks Every Hour

Even before the influx of work-from-home professions, being glued to an office chair has always been the norm. It is important to take frequent breaks throughout the day to stretch and improve your circulation. Spend five minutes every hour or two in order to clear your head, stretch, and get a breath of fresh air. Your body and mind will thank you for it!
Improve Your Smile With a Squint

There is no wrong way to smile, but there are certainly better ways! If you hate how you look in pictures, consider squinting while you smile before saying ‘cheese’. Adding a slight squint to your smile will warm up the entire expression, thus making it look more genuine to outside observers.
Add Laughter to Your Commute

Did you know that smiling can improve your mood? You probably already knew that laughing felt good! By adding uplifting and joyous podcasts to your morning routine, you might be able to offset the dour mood that traffic can manifest. Podcasts help you to start your day with a smile and that’s something we could all use right now.
Cheap Cookbook Holder

For the four people around the world that still use paper cookbooks, don’t fret! If you need a convenient cookbook holder, you are only a closet away from finding your solution. A common pants hanger can make the perfect utility for keeping your recipe at eye-level.
Watch TV While Working Out

It takes a certain type of person to truly love working out. If you hate working out but want to get in shape, consider getting exercise in while watching television. Having a distraction will allow you to push through points where you might otherwise have stopped. In addition, you can get all of your television binge-watching done at the same time!
Immediate Digital Lantern

If you find the power off at your home, you might be in need of a quick illumination solution. You can use your cellphone as well as a bottle of water to instantly make a digital lamp or lantern. By placing your cellphone light beneath the water bottle, you will be able to amplify the glow.
Upcycle Old Baby Food Jars

If you have an infant in the house, you likely have about nine thousand little glass jars near your waste bin. Instead of tossing these perfectly workable glass jars, recycle them for further use. Clean out the jars and you can use them to hold your spices. The uniform look will look great on your spice rack!
Quickly Cool a Drink

On a sunny hot day, nothing is better than an ice-cold drink. If you want to quickly make your drink as cold as possible, simply wrap it in a wet paper towel. Place your beverage with the paper towel cover into the freezer for roughly fifteen minutes. Once removed, you will find yourself holding an ice-cold drink!
Sleep Sweet By Wearing Socks

This is our SECOND sock-related life hack, imagine that! If you want to get to sleep faster, consider wearing socks to bed. Studies have shown that individuals wearing socks can fall asleep up to 40% faster than their barefoot counterparts. How does this work? We’re not sure, but it does!
Pancake Mix Without the Mess

If you love pancakes — and who doesn’t — you are likely well aware of the mess that comes after making your favorite pancake mix. In order to offset this mess in the future, consider putting your pancake mix inside of a ketchup bottle. You can quickly squeeze out the perfect amount of mix without any trouble!
Use Yoga to Beat a Headache

There is nothing quite so aggravating as a headache that won’t go away. When dealing with a headache, even a short period of time can feel like it lasts forever. You can use yoga to address your headache by incorporating the inversion pose into your routine. Other beneficial poses include the child’s pose, the downward-facing dog, and the legs-up-the-wall pose.
Ultimate Condiment Station

Whether you are throwing a barbecue or getting together for a family meal, passing around condiments can be a sticky situation. Use an old muffin tin to quickly compartmentalize your condiments. The muffin tin also is easy to pass around and easier to clean than a myriad of little bowls and spoons.
Censor Old Text the Right Way

If you are writing down potentially sensitive information with a pen, it can be hard to get rid of. Rather than scribbling ink all over the word you want to hide, simply write other letters on top of the old text. This is a highly effective technique when it comes to obfuscation and, as you can see, it is much better than simple scribbles.
Highway Adventure: Escaped Sulcata Tortoise’s Journey Halted by Arizona Rescuers

An unexpected traveler caused a stir on an Arizona interstate near Picacho when a large sulcata tortoise was discovered attempting to cross the highway. The tortoise, it was later revealed, had embarked on a remarkable journey after escaping from an ostrich ranch located approximately three miles away.
Sulcata tortoises, also known as African spurred tortoises, are native to the southern edge of the Sahara desert. These impressive reptiles are the third-largest species of tortoise in the world and the largest mainland tortoise. Known for their hardy nature and long lifespans, sulcata tortoises can live for over 70 years and reach weights of up to 200 pounds when fully grown.
The rescued tortoise’s adventure highlights the species’ surprising mobility and endurance. Despite their slow-moving reputation, sulcata tortoises are capable of covering significant distances, especially when seeking food or a mate. Their strong legs and sharp claws, evolved for digging in their native arid habitats, allow them to traverse challenging terrain – though perhaps not as safely as they might on the African plains.
Local authorities and wildlife experts were quick to respond to the unusual sight of this desert dweller on the interstate. The rescue operation not only ensured the tortoise’s safety but also prevented potential traffic hazards on the busy highway.
This incident serves as a reminder of the responsibilities that come with keeping exotic pets. Sulcata tortoises, while popular in the pet trade due to their docile nature and impressive size, require specialized care and secure enclosures to prevent escapes like this one.
The tortoise’s safe retrieval and its journey from an ostrich ranch to a major highway underscore the importance of proper animal husbandry and the unexpected challenges that can arise when managing diverse species in captivity. As the sulcata tortoise returns to more familiar surroundings, its brief highway adventure stands as a testament to the species’ resilience and the community’s quick action in wildlife preservation.
Dinner Cruise Turns Heroic: Lost Dog Rescued Miles from Florida Shore

An evening boat ride became an unexpected rescue mission when passengers and crew aboard the Sanibel Harbor Princess spotted a dog swimming alone in Florida’s waters. The canine, later identified as Ellie, was found over a mile from Fort Myers Beach on July 28, prompting a swift rescue operation.
Captain Terry Johns, a veteran of the Coast Guard, recounts the moment of discovery. Midway through the cruise, commotion erupted among guests as they noticed a small head bobbing in the water. Quick action was necessary, as Ellie was dangerously close to the boat’s rear.
With skilled maneuvering, the yacht’s crew positioned the vessel to safely retrieve Ellie. Once aboard, the exhausted but friendly dog was provided with food and water. The crew’s training proved invaluable in executing the rescue efficiently.
Post-rescue, Ellie was taken to a veterinarian for examination. Despite having a microchip, identification proved challenging due to malfunction. A crew member volunteered to care for Ellie temporarily while efforts to locate her owners continued.
The rescue story, broadcast by local news outlet WINK News, caught the attention of Ben and Kathleen Baker, Ellie’s distraught owners. The couple had lost sight of their pet during an afternoon boat outing and had spent hours searching to no avail.
Overcome with emotion, 72-year-old Ben Baker expressed his relief at seeing Ellie safe on the news. A few phone calls later, and the Bakers were reunited with their beloved pet, turning a potential tragedy into a heartwarming tale of community effort and canine resilience.
This incident highlights the importance of pet safety on boats and the impact of quick thinking and compassion in emergency situations.
Eight Puppies Rescued from Texas Heat Will Soon Be Ready for Adoption

Eight puppies left in the scorching Texas heat have been rescued and are now safe, thanks to some quick-thinking deputies and animal control officers.
The puppies were abandoned in a carrier on a field in Tarrant County, Texas, where temperatures reached over 100 degrees. The Tarrant County Sheriff’s Office shared this on their Facebook page.
A kind person found the puppies without any water and alerted the authorities. Unfortunately, since there were no cameras in the area, it’s unlikely they will find out who left the puppies behind.
Deputies Collin Stephenson and Haley Drew from the Tarrant County Sheriff’s Office, along with the Fort Worth Animal Care and Control team, rescued the puppies.
Fort Worth Animal Care and Control shared an update on Facebook, including photos of the puppies, saying, “The puppies that were rescued from a carrier in 100-degree weather by Tarrant County Sheriff’s Office are doing much better.”
The puppies, about six weeks old, are now at the Chuck & Brenda Silcox Animal Care and Adoption Center. They are believed to be shepherd mixes and have been given names after popular chip brands: Cheetos, Fritos, Ruffles, Lays Potato, Cheese Itz, Doritos, and Pringles.
Deputy Stephenson told Fort Worth Animal Care and Control that he plans to adopt one of the puppies.
The animal shelter is looking for people to foster or adopt the puppies, who should be ready for adoption next week.
Tips to Keep Your Pets Safe in the Heat
- Provide Plenty of Water: Always make sure your pets have access to fresh, cool water.
- Avoid Midday Heat: Walk your pets early in the morning or late in the evening when it’s cooler.
- Never Leave Pets in Cars: Cars can quickly become dangerously hot, even with windows cracked.
- Shade and Shelter: Ensure your pets have a shady place to rest if they’re outside.
- Watch for Signs of Overheating: Signs include excessive panting, drooling, and weakness. If you notice these, get your pet to a cool place and offer water.
- Limit Exercise: On very hot days, reduce the amount of exercise your pets get.
By following these tips, you can help keep your pets safe and healthy during the hot summer months.
Diver Makes Stunning Ancient Find Off Florida Coast: ‘Very Rare’

A diver in Florida recently made an incredible discovery while exploring the waters off the state’s coast.
Kyle Lundberg, who studied marine biology at the University of South Florida, was diving off Manasota Key, about 90 miles south of Tampa, when he stumbled upon an ancient mastodon tusk. He found this remarkable relic back in April while searching for fossils.
The tusk, which hasn’t been dated yet, could be millions of years old. Although he’s only 29 years old, Lundberg has been scuba diving for 12 years and has been hunting for fossils since he was “old enough to walk.”
“My dad would take us out to construction sites all the time to look for fossils as a kid,” Lundberg shared. He mentioned that while finding small pieces and chunks of tusk is common, discovering one as large and well-preserved as this is very rare. Tusks found in Florida are usually very delicate and often crumble apart.
According to the National Park Service (NPS), American mastodons went extinct around 10,500 years ago. Their fossils have been discovered across North America and Central America, from Alaska to Mexico. Despite what some people might think, mastodons are not the same as mammoths, though they are related and share a common ancestor with mammoths and elephants. Mastodons could grow as tall as 10 feet.
The NPS explains that while mastodons have been around since 4 to 3 million years ago, mammoths didn’t arrive in North America until much later, during the Pleistocene ice ages, which spanned from 2.6 million years ago to 11,700 years ago. Mastodons did live alongside mammoths in many areas, but all of these large creatures went extinct by about 10,500 years ago.
Lundberg has some advice for aspiring fossil hunters: remember to get a fossil permit. In Florida, these permits only cost five dollars each. “My best tip is to get out and explore and keep your head down,” he said. “This stuff is out there and all over the state.”
As for what will happen to the ancient mastodon tusk, Lundberg plans to keep it unless experts decide it is important enough to donate. “I plan on keeping it, but I do have to report it at the end of the year to the Florida Museum of Natural History,” he said. “If they deem it scientifically important, I have to donate it, but that is very unlikely.”
Daring Rescue: Duluth Firefighters Save Dog from Frigid Lake Superior

In a heart-pounding rescue mission on the shores of Duluth, Minnesota, a brave dog found himself in a perilous situation after leaping into the icy waters of Lake Superior. The daring rescue unfolded amidst eight-foot waves that crashed against the shore, creating a challenging environment for both man and canine.
The intense situation began when the adventurous dog managed to slip out of his leash, enticed by the allure of a chilly swim. Unbeknownst to the canine, Lake Superior’s vast expanse presented a danger he hadn’t anticipated. The situation quickly escalated, prompting the owner to dial emergency services.
To pinpoint the distressed dog’s location, dispatchers utilized cameras on a life bridge, offering a bird’s-eye view of the unfolding drama. The dog, buffeted by the relentless waves, struggled to stay afloat as firefighters donned specialized ice suits to brave the frigid waters.
These ice suits, designed for extreme cold-water rescues, provide a crucial barrier between the icy environment and the rescuers. Comprising layers of insulated materials, these suits not only keep firefighters warm but also offer buoyancy and protection against the harsh elements.
As the brave firefighters plunged into the turbulent waters, the dog faced the dual challenges of the waves and the numbing cold. Despite the difficult conditions, the rescue team, guided by the worried owner who remained on the shore, managed to locate the struggling canine.
The dog, large and frightened, repeatedly disappeared beneath the waves, making the rescue a daunting task. Through effective communication between the owner and the firefighters, the team successfully secured the dog by the collar, preventing him from slipping away.
Once the dog was safely in their grasp, both the firefighters and the canine were brought to safety aboard a waiting boat. The dog, now shivering and scared, received prompt medical attention. After warming up, the resilient pup even leaped happily into his owner’s car, a heartwarming conclusion to a potentially tragic event.
The Duluth Fire Department, often questioned about responding to animal-related emergencies, emphasized the significance of such actions in a Facebook post. They highlighted the deep bond between pets and their families, explaining that in their experience, if emergency responders did not intervene, well-meaning bystanders might take unnecessary risks.
The post also revealed a chilling detail: one of the dog’s owners had considered jumping into the treacherous waters. The fire department strongly discouraged such actions, emphasizing the importance of leaving water rescues to trained professionals equipped with the necessary gear.
“The Duluth Fire Department wants to stress to the public the importance of not putting yourself into a situation you are neither trained nor equipped to handle,” the post warned. “Given the wave and temperature conditions in the canal last night, anyone entering the water without the proper training and equipment would most likely have ended in tragedy.”
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