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It’s A Myth! These Dogs Break The Stereotype About Dogs Hating Cats

Instant Friends

These pals met one sunny day by the lake. She was a stray but as soon as puppers saw her she was a forever friend. Now the two enjoy their happily ever after keeping their hapless owner awake each morning with tag and chase! The kitty sure is lucky to meet her family that day.

The Safest Nap… Ever

These buddies fell asleep after playing and the results look like this may be the safest napping kitty in the world. And arguably the cutest.  Even big ole puppers like this have a soft spot when it comes to the tiniest of furry creatures. Thank goodness for it too, because now we get images like this on a bad day to show that the world is a pretty neat place!                       

No One Can Possibly Be More Comfortable Than This Kitten! 

A Saint Bernard is one of the largest dog breeds, and their hair seems to make up half their mass. There is no cat bed that could possibly be more comfortable for this little kitty than this massive fluffy pooch who does not seem to mind his guest one bit.   

Lazy Days and Sundays … Can Be Too Cute! 

These pals look like they went a little to long the last time they played. Or maybe they are both equally bored and tired waiting for their human to return home. Either way, this bored stack of fur reminds me teenagers looking for entertainment on a slow summer day. Lets hope their human brings home the pet’s version of Pizza and a movie for them to enjoy after their day of waiting for attention.

In Sickness and In Health 

The story behind this image is sad and heartwarming. This sweet dog was diagnosed with cancer, and his cat sibling who did not give him a ton of attention in the past (Just some here and there) suddenly has all the cuddles and love for the dog. No one knows exactly why the change in behavior, but doggie is not complaining.

Bundles of Energy Can be Too Much, But Doggo Just Goes On

 This monstrous looking beast is actually a big ole puppy at heart. Rottweilers are known for home defense and being large and intimidating, but these two kittens show that they are just sweeties at heart. They love their big sibling, and he tolerates their shenanigans even at nap time.

Snuggles in The Street

 These pals may have an age difference, and in a year this puppers may turn into a mountain that towers over the orange cat, but at his particular place and time they are best friends enjoying a purrfect snuggle in public. Even when the puppy is larger, he will likely still go ga-ga each time he sees his best friend.              

Three’s Perfect For A Nap

Just look at the smug face of this cat as she prepares for her morning nap between her two bodyguards and best friends. They may go crazy when they are awake, but at nap time you can barely tell them apart in their bundle of fur and snores. Even groups of cats and dogs can get along when they want to. 

Too Much Beauty in One Picture

 These buddies have been blessed with some stunning good looks. And they seem to compliment each other perfectly despite being different species. When they go for walks they turn heads, but at home, they are just the apple of their human’s eye. And each other’s best friends of course.

Sometimes it Takes Time 

This image shows new friends. One is already in love with his little snuggle pal. The other? Tolerant at best. The cat is unsure what it thinks of this unabashed adoration, but give the kitty a day and the roles will likely be reversed.

Um? Is that Dog Melting? 

This pup is sleeping so deeply with his cat pal as a blanket that it looks like he is just melting. The adorable picture captures the moment of complete rest and relaxing so well that I think need to go find a furry  pal to take a nap with.

Secret Rendezvous

This grown cat and calm dog do something highly unusual. They leave their homes to meet at a stranger’s house and hang out together. The owner of the house has seen them with such reliability he was able to snap a picture. Who knows what their home life is, but this is their hangout and what happens in stranger’s yard stays there. We can’t help but wonder if they live together and pretend to be mortal enemies in front of their human.

Still Playtime for Puppers 

This puppy does not want to be done playing so he gets up on the cat’s level to negotiate some more chase time. The cat seems less than amused at his big begging eyes, but surely she will leap down and join the fun soon.

Bath Time 

Grooming is a key way that cats show affection to their young and loved ones. Apparently, this dog makes the cut and is seen as a family member because his feline pal loves to wash him after play time. or maybe he just don’t smell so sweet.

A Bed Made For Three 

This small bed is clearly not for the huge boxer that has taken it over. His kitten pals don’t seem to care though. They say “the more the merrier”, in fact they seem to enjoy the extra warmth.

Kitty on The Bottom 

Even though the pup is larger than his kitty pal he still thinks he is the size he was when they met and will climb upon his feline bedmate to nap. The cat doesn’t seem to mind but the dog looks bewildered that his bed has shrunk.

Arrggg Matey

 This big old dog did not have a pirate hat for dress up so it appears that his kitty pall stepped up as a hat and eye patch in one. This adorable image has been shared across social media as proof that dogs and cats are best friends for life.

Don’t You Say A Word To My Fluffy Best Friend! 

These pals look like they would stand up for each other through thick and thin. The matching smug, yet adorable expressions makes this picture almost to much cuteness to handle in one day!

Just One of The Gang! 

When mama dog added a bundle of new pups to the family, the cat could have responded with hisses and scratches. Instead she joins the fun at feeding and snuggle time and seems to enjoy her new pals. The mama dog, on her part, could have responded defensively and instead welcomed kitty to the bunch. The new happy family is heartwarming to see.

Snow Pals Forever! 

These buddies love to go outside together after being cooped up from the cold. But they don’t try to each run in different directions, no they enjoy the fluffy chilly weather together before returning in for a long winter’s nap by the fire to dry their fur and wait for their next play date in the yard.

Well, This Is My Life Now!

The expression on the dog’s face says it all. He may have an interloper in his bed but he is so excited to have a new friend that he does not even care. The cat looks pretty happy to be near the big friendly beast as well.

Proud New Siblings.

Like the dog in the other picture, this cat looks proud and pleased with his new puppy. Who says pets always get jealous when new animals come to stay? Maybe the jealousy is proportional to the age of the new pet?

Hidden Kitty, Can You See Her? 

This picture is so relaxing to stare at, I want it hanging on my wall! The fluffy cat almost blends in too well with her snuggly dog pal, if her eyes were closed she may be invisible in a pile of fur. How long did it take you to see her?

So Fluffy!

This huge dog looks like he could gobble up his kitty pal. But he never would, in fact he would defend her if needed. And the cat feels just the same about her big old warm bed and yard playmate.

Rock-a-Bye Kitty?

Aw, look at this golden holding his kitten in his arms like a careful older sibling with an infant. The kitten don’t seem to mind one little bit as she relaxes back against him with her tiny ball. This picture tells a whole story itself.

Friends Come in All Sizes

These pals have such a size difference one could imagine the kitten getting plump on the large dog’s crumbs alone! The larger dog may be sized to make even grown humans nervous but this kitten could not care less. Her buddy is the perfect size to play on.

Friends in Good and Bad Times Alike

When this dog has to have a procedure that required an Elizibethian collar a.k.a. cone of shame, his kitten friend made the best of it and climbed right in with him. What a lesson for us humans to join our friends when they can’t fit in with us but still need a pal.

We Can Share!

These pals share their toys, their bed, their humans, and their fun. This is not to say that they don’t enjoy a rough game of chase and chew but they show that friendship has plenty of ups and downs and toys are the most fun when shared with a friend.

Who Needs a Whole Couch? 

Not these pals. Or maybe the cat is sitting on her doggie friend so she has reasonable deniability when asked if she got on the furniture? Either way they look pretty comfortable all piled up on the bright blue couch.

Friendship is Art

This image looks like something that belongs in a museum exhibit. But it is just another day for these pals enjoying a ray of sunshine by their shared window. Who knows what plans they are planning for later that day when their human goes to work?

We Don’t Know Where One Ends and The Other Begins

These pals look so much alike, and they are together so much that they are just a shadow when they lay together for a nap. Cats and dogs can be friends and when they have the same exact same shade of fur, apparently they can become one, at least in pictures.

Warm in Winter

These pals have snuggling down to a science. And can save their humans money because they are more than happy to share the same pet bed. It may look like an awkward pose for the cat but if you lean in you can hear the roar of her purring as she sleeps next to her best pal in the world.

Be Still My Soul

Jack Russel’s are known for being very excitable breeds, and this one is no exception. He loves to play with his best friend and kitty but equally so his kitty is the only one who seems to be able to calm him enough to cuddle and relax as well.

Great Balls of Fur 

You can barely tell which is the cat and which is the dog in this bed full of balls of furry pals. At nap time they all seem to take the same form and sleep calmly next to each other. When awake it is another story altogether and it is chasing and playing all day long.

Is There Something in My Ear?

This picture is too cute. It is almost as if the dog tucks his kitty friend in under his arm with his warm floppy ear as a blanket when he’s ready to nap, just to know his cat will be safe. The kitten looks like a bored child at nap time.

Who Rescued Who? 

This rescue dog was welcomed immediately by the large family cat. It was like he knew that the puppers needed a little extra love and attention. The buds are still snuggling pals to this day, and the rescue puppy has forgotten his cold nights in a cage.


These pals are on high alert ready to jump at whatever comes their way. Whether it’s a pile of food, a sweet treat, or even a play session from their human they are ready to tackle it together with gusto because life’s more fun when your pal is there to enjoy it with you. I wonder how long it takes the kitty to topple down when her noble stead leaps up? 

Stop and Pose! 

This puppy and kitten will grow up together and continue to play but right now it is hard to get them to stop for even a moment. When they do stop and look at the camera the results are stunning just look at the cute and mischievous faces of these pals? It makes me want to go get a bunch of puppies and kitties just to watch them play all day long.

Too Perfect

The complimentary colors of the dog and cat, the shading, the flower pots lined up with random pops of contrasting colors. This picture is just perfect. It should be painted and framed, or duplicated into a poster of an ideal moment in time. Whoever lives here with these pets is lucky to bask in such a pretty setting, and these pets are lucky to have each other to play and snuggle with.

Welcome to The Family! 

Love at first sight is what this cat experienced when she saw her new family member. But just look at those big brown puppy dog eyes, can you blame her. I think my reaction would be a big hug as well. And the dog just looks relieved to finally be home at last, and that her family loves her instantly.


Golden Duck Promise: 14-Year-Old Skateboarder’s Olympic Triumph Earns Unique Reward

Kelly Taylor



Australia’s youngest Olympic gold medalist, 14-year-old Arisa Trew, didn’t just secure her place in history at the 2024 Paris Olympics – she also earned herself an unusual prize. The skateboarding prodigy revealed that her parents had promised her a pet duck if she won gold, a reward she’s eagerly anticipating.

Trew’s preference for a duck stems from her family’s frequent travel schedule, which makes traditional pets like dogs or cats impractical. The young athlete expressed her fondness for ducks and her excitement about the prospect of having one as a pet during post-victory interviews.

Her gold medal-winning performance in the women’s park skateboarding event saw her score an impressive 93.18 in her final run, outshining competitors from Japan and Great Britain. Trew’s achievement is particularly remarkable given that this was her Olympic debut.

The teenager’s journey to Olympic glory began with inspiration from the Tokyo 2020 Games, spurring her ambition to reach the podium in Paris. Her success builds upon previous victories at the X Games in 2023 and 2024.

Trew’s parents, Simon and Aiko, were present to witness their daughter’s historic win, expressing amazement and pride at her accomplishment. The young skateboarder’s triumph also drew praise from skateboarding legend Tony Hawk, who commended her performance and the progress of the sport.

As Trew celebrates her victory and looks forward to her unique reward, her story highlights not only her exceptional talent but also the joy and determination that define her approach to the sport. The promise of a pet duck serves as a charming footnote to an extraordinary Olympic achievement.

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Unexpected Global Stardom: Dutch Seal Rescue Webcam Captivates Japanese Audience

Shannon Jackson



A live stream featuring rescued seals at the Pieterburen centre in the Netherlands has unexpectedly become an international sensation, particularly in Japan. The webcam’s sudden rise to fame began with a social media post that quickly went viral, leading to a significant increase in viewership and donations.

The centre’s staff were taken aback when they noticed a dramatic spike in viewers, with numbers soaring far beyond their usual audience. This surge in popularity has translated into a substantial boost in financial support, with the rescue centre receiving a month’s worth of typical donations in just one day.

The phenomenon has been attributed to a potential cultural connection. Some speculate that the seals’ appearance in the water bears a resemblance to a Japanese symbol of good fortune, which may explain the enthusiastic response from Japanese viewers.

In light of this newfound attention, the Pieterburen team has been actively engaging with their international audience, using translation tools to respond to queries and provide educational information about the seals and their care.

While seals are actually formidable predators in their natural habitat, their appealing appearance often leads people to perceive them as endearing creatures. This dichotomy between their true nature and public perception adds an interesting dimension to their popularity.

This isn’t the first time a Dutch wildlife webcam has garnered international attention. Earlier this year, a fish-monitoring camera in Utrecht also experienced a similar surge in global interest, demonstrating a widespread fascination with live nature feeds.

The unexpected popularity of the seal webcam not only benefits the rescue centre financially but also provides an opportunity to raise awareness about marine life conservation on a global scale.

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Love Smashes Into Olympic Victory: Chinese Badminton Star’s Golden Moment Crowned with Surprise Proposal





The 2024 Paris Olympics delivered more than just athletic triumphs for China’s badminton mixed doubles champion Huang Yaqiong. After clinching gold with her partner Zheng Siwei, Huang received an unexpected and heartwarming surprise that left spectators at La Chapelle Arena cheering for reasons beyond sport.

The Chinese duo dominated their South Korean opponents in the final, securing a decisive victory in under an hour. This gold medal performance marked a significant improvement from their silver medal finish at the previous Olympics in Tokyo.

As Huang basked in the glow of her Olympic triumph, her boyfriend Liu Yuchen, himself an Olympic silver medalist in men’s doubles, seized the moment to create a memory that would rival the gold medal in significance. Following Huang’s victory celebration, Liu approached with flowers and, in a gesture that captivated the audience, dropped to one knee to propose marriage.

Caught off guard by the romantic gesture, Huang joyfully accepted, later expressing her astonishment to the media. She marveled at the extraordinary turn of events, becoming both an Olympic champion and a bride-to-be in rapid succession.

Interestingly, this wasn’t the first Olympic proposal for the Chinese badminton team. Zheng Siwei, Huang’s doubles partner, had proposed to his girlfriend following their silver medal performance in Tokyo. Zheng noted the added joy of this occasion, with Huang experiencing both competitive success and personal happiness simultaneously.

The proposal added a touching personal dimension to China’s continued dominance in Olympic badminton. The nation has now secured medals in the sport for six consecutive Olympic Games, with more opportunities for gold on the horizon in the women’s doubles event.

Reflecting on their journey from silver to gold, Zheng credited their improved performance to a more strategic approach to training and competition since the Tokyo Games. This refined methodology appears to have paid dividends, both on and off the court, for the Chinese badminton team at Paris 2024.

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A Long-Lost Son Comes Home: A Story of Love and Reunion

Renee Yates



Paula Beer made a heart-wrenching decision at a young age. Unprepared for motherhood at 17, she felt pressured to give her baby boy up for adoption. The shame surrounding unwed mothers in the 1960s fueled her secrecy, leaving her with a lifetime of longing for the child she held for just three precious days.

Years passed, filled with a successful career and a loving family for Paula. Yet, the memory of her son remained a constant ache. The desire to reconnect with him grew stronger, prompting her to reach out to the television show “Long Lost Family.”

The search brought a wave of emotions. As the film crew documented Paula’s story, a bombshell dropped: they found her son! Tears streamed down Paula’s face as reality sunk in – she would finally see her child after five decades.

Meanwhile, Jim Tiltman, the name given to Paula’s son at adoption, received a life-altering letter. It revealed a birth mother named Paula seeking a long-lost relative. The name sparked a memory – Jim knew he was adopted, and his birth name was Paul. Could this be his biological mother? The revelation sent shivers down his spine.

A meeting was arranged, filled with a nervous anticipation on both sides. When Paula walked into the room, Jim did something extraordinary – he embraced her in a warm hug. The word “Mum,” a word Paula longed to hear for so long, finally escaped his lips. Tears flowed freely as they clung to each other, a mother and son reunited after a lifetime apart.

Jim’s adoptive parents had passed away, leaving a void in his life. The connection he felt with Paula was immediate and undeniable. They spent the following days devouring each other’s stories, piecing together the puzzle of their lives. Paula learned Jim had a wonderful life, a testament to the love of his adoptive family. For Jim, finding his birth mother filled a gap he never knew existed.

Today, Paula, now 75, and Jim, 57, are inseparable. They talk every day, cherishing the newfound connection. Looking ahead, they are excited to build a future together, their bond growing stronger with each passing day. This heartwarming reunion proves that love can transcend time and circumstance, offering a chance for families to heal and hearts to find peace.

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Bruno Gets a Fresh Start After Over a Year in the Shelter

Shannon Jackson



Bruno, a dog who spent 473 days in a shelter kennel, finally has a new chance at finding a home.

Since March 2023, Bruno had been at the Colonial Heights Animal Shelter, after being abandoned with two other dogs. His sister Justice is still at the shelter. Bruno had trouble trusting strangers and felt uneasy around fences, making him hard to adopt.

The shelter never gave up on Bruno. On July 10, they happily announced on Facebook that Bruno had found a new opportunity. Ring Dog Rescue, a non-profit in Richmond that helps “pit bull type dogs,” saw potential in Bruno. They arranged for him to go to a board and train facility for professional training and care to prepare him for adoption.

“After over a year of Bruno being here, he said his goodbyes yesterday and headed to his new life!” Colonial Heights Animal Shelter shared on Facebook. “We want to give a huge thank you to Ring Dog Rescue for giving him this amazing opportunity to find the new life and family he deserves.”

In 2023, 6.5 million animals entered U.S. shelters, a 4 percent increase from 2022, according to Shelter Animals Count. At the end of 2023, there were 117,000 more dogs and cats in shelters compared to the previous year. About 850,000 animals were euthanized in 2023, a 15 percent increase from 2022. Shelters are working hard to lower euthanasia rates through adoption campaigns, spaying and neutering programs, and behavior rehabilitation.

Bruno also tested positive for heartworms and has a slight ACL issue. Despite this, Ring Dog Rescue is committed to treating his medical conditions.

The Facebook post about Bruno’s new start received hundreds of reactions and comments. People expressed their happiness for Bruno and gratitude to the shelter and rescue group.

“I love to see their faces when the dogs leave the shelter,” commented Kenney. Facebook user Lori Acevedo said, “Congratulations big guy! May you fill someone’s home with love and fun.”

Janice Cox wrote, “I got chills reading about the wonderful journey this beautiful dog is taking.” Pam Green added, “Thank you, he is a beautiful dog.”

Bruno’s story is a reminder of the importance of giving animals in shelters a chance to find loving homes.

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