In the aftermath of Hurricane Helene, which ravaged parts of North Carolina, a unique story of recovery and humanity emerged. Amid the destruction, Taylor Schenker of...
Volunteers gathered in Vancouver on Saturday morning to help brighten the holidays for homeless youth. The annual Backpacks of Hope initiative, led by Covenant House, provides...
The Andes Mountains, stretching across South America, are a natural wonder rich in biodiversity. Among the towering peaks roam spectacled bears, pumas, and the mighty Andean...
A new study has found that spending time in nature can significantly improve the mental health of children, particularly those with pre-existing emotional challenges. The research,...
In true Lone Star fashion, Michael Duncan, a Texan from Fort Worth, has been turning heads with his unique dining companion—his horse, Ranger. The duo has...
Ten years ago, George Cullinan stumbled upon a curious bird on his farm in Victoria’s Mallee region. The bird, which he found lifeless in a water...
An adventurous Siamese cat named Felix has become an unlikely travel companion, accompanying his owners on journeys across the UK and Europe. This three-year-old feline has...
A momentous event in South African wildlife conservation has unfolded with the release of Charlie, the country’s last zoo elephant, into a natural habitat after 40...
Australia’s youngest Olympic gold medalist, 14-year-old Arisa Trew, didn’t just secure her place in history at the 2024 Paris Olympics – she also earned herself an...
In a heartening tale of compassion amidst conflict, Ukraine’s Defence Intelligence (DIU) has facilitated the rescue and relocation of two owlets from the embattled Kharkiv region...