Maureen Beck, a renowned mountaineer, is a true inspiration and a role model for people with disabilities. In 2019, she was named National Geographic’s Adventurer of...
Mark Ruffalo is an American actor, producer, and activist who has made a name for himself with his powerful performances in films and on television. Born...
In a world where acts of kindness seem to be few and far between, it’s refreshing to hear about people who go above and beyond to...
In a historic moment for the Cadbury Bunny Tryouts, a cat has been crowned the winner of the 5th Annual competition. Meet Crash, a rescue cat...
A Florida man recently became a hero after saving a 400lb black bear from drowning. Black bears are known to be excellent swimmers and are athletic...
In recent years, there has been a growing trend in the UK of women opening and running independent bookshops together. These bookshops cater to local communities...
The Boise Zoo in Idaho is about to get a new addition to their animal family. A two-year-old lioness will be arriving from the Santa Barbara...
In a world where everything seems to be disposable, it’s heartwarming to hear a story about an old car that was given a second chance at...
In a remarkable discovery, a man from Florida found a giant clam that has been estimated to be 214 years old. The enormous and old clam...
Dave Grohl is widely known as the lead singer and guitarist of the rock band Foo Fighters, but he is also a man of many talents...