The arrival of a new member of a family is most certainly received with mixed reactions among different couples the world over. It mostly comes with...
Fast food has become ingrained in American society ever since Ray Kroc turned McDonald’s into an absolute food empire. Nowadays, you can’t drive down the street...
When we first stop to consider ‘massive’ animals, our minds might wander to giraffes and whales. Today, we are going to blow the lid off of...
Thanksgiving is a time for holiday traditions: gathering around the table, eating turkey and cranberry sauce, watching the game on television. This year, you can add...
Air Force One is way more than just a private jet for the President of the United States of America. There are many secrets within it...
Miss Porkchop has personality. The 400 pound pig saw what was happening around her and wanted in on the deal, so she made herself known. Her fellow farm animals...
Who doesn’t love a sloth? How could you not? They are always smiling and just hanging around. They are like your cool laid back friend that you...
Nobody enjoys cleaning their house. Furthermore, most people loathe the activity so much that they are willing to lose valuable items under their own miss. Furthermore,...
Watching an owl taking a bath is something very strange and rare to see. This instance was actually caught on tape and the results were hilarious....
Coconut fronds, or those sharp leaves from the coconut tree, are probably not something the average American kid is exposed to. Believe it or not, these...