Beyond The Walls of An Intriguing NY Farmhouse Abandoned For Four Decades
While there are approximately eight million households in the very populated State of New York, some are more intriguing than others. Every building has a tale, some telling different stories daily.
Others have extraordinary events that are usually tucked away for years, just waiting to be shared. This particular house waited four decades for someone to uncover the mystery behind its walls.
Bryan Sansivero, a renowned photographer, got wind of the property and sought permission from the city authorities to explore it. It carries you to an entirely different period.

There was no sign out front
Bryan Sansivero was amazed at how well-hidden the farmhouse was. The lengthy driveway follows around to the back of the house.
This is what you’d call hiding in plain sight since a bustling community enveloped it. However, the owners wanted privacy; hence this single-room cabin in the woods could go unnoticed. He says that the place feels like time has paused.

Former Breathtaking Facade Decaying
The Victorian home was once made impressive by its appeal but now is decayed by neglect. Here, we see the main farmhouse, which was built in 1860. The roof has sagged, and one of the columns has fallen.
There are nine acres, a smokery, a garage, an outhouse, a stable, a milk house, a sheep barn, and four smaller barns. Sansivero hopes his pictures will assist in some way to the rehabilitation of a gorgeous and historically meaningful residence.

Built Prior to The Civil War
To find the historic farmhouse, you’ll have to head to Commack hamlet, which was once Native American territory. This is in the Suffolk County area of NY.
Urbanization has brought about a higher level of development to the Marion Carll Farm location. The ranch has been in existence since the start of the 18th century, prior to the Civil War.

Neglected, But Loaded With Treasures
Sansivero took photos of the plantation repeatedly, with the permission of the local school district and board. He states that each time he visited, he came upon more items that needed to be highlighted.
There was a vast number of valuable pieces of history. These scarce photographs are reminders of how unique the property was before being abandoned and eventually demolished.

Marion Carll Led a Busy Lifestyle
Marion Carll was a stalwart of the community and greatly respected. She was a school trustee and helped found the first PTA.
Education played an integral part of Carll’s life, so it was no surprise that she willed the house to the Commack School Board and District for academic and chronological objectives. These decorated shoes probably belonged to Carll.

She Tried to Preserve History
As a history buff, Marion Carll aimed to preserve as much of the character of the 18th-century farmhouse as possible and never tried to modernize the residence. As a result, the site has a lot of old vintage collectibles.
Despite being abandoned four decades ago, it appeared as if Marion Carll were living in an entirely different era.

The Home Links to Walt Whitman
The photos document the lives of the Carll family. A local history book, Huntington’s Hidden Past by Kerriann Flanagan Brosky, disclosed some fascinating data regarding the family property.
“The land on which the farm stands, off Commack Road, was originally inhabited by members of the Secatougue Indian tribe. According to a deed of record from 1698, the Indians conveyed the parcel of land to John Skidmore and John Whitman, great-great-great-grandfather of poet Walt Whitman.”

Danger Lurks on the Stairwell
You can see the grand staircase at the front of the house. There’s another home stairway leading to the basement. The stairs on the other flight were not in a decent state.
The photographer notes that they only saw the basement one time and didn’t get any photos, unfortunately, adding that the stairs and I did not get any pictures of it. The stairs broke as they headed back out of the basement.

A Stunning Parlor
Even with all the dust and debris buildup, this room is a replica of when Marion Carll lived there. This finely carved piano played some lovely music for several years.
Piano and other instruments were the primary means of entertainment before the development of the radio. Households would gather around to listen and sing to the playing of their favorite tunes.

An Array of Historical Items
Pots, pans, glass bottles are scattered about the room. Collectors are now snapping vintage bottles like these, hoping to own a great article of the past—some packages contained standard household products such as olive oil and even Milk of Magnesia.
There is even a small brochure that reads: “Program of the Thirty-Third Annual Sea Girt Interstate Tournament.” The event was staged by the American International Riflers Association in nineteen twenty-six.

The Attic Storage Room
The farmhouse not only has a basement, but it also has attic storage areas. Here, too, beds are implying the room was also utilized for sleeping — probably for staff members.
The walls have many steel crinoline dresses hanging from the wall. This under-skirt gained popularity throughout Europe and North America after being patented in the mid 19th century. Given their age, these seem to be in excellent condition.

Time Frozen
This alarm clock has hands frozen in time at 2:54. Next is a glass bottle that once held C. Household ammonia, a prominent home cleaning agent.
Vintage treasure hunters striving to explore the property for themselves are out of luck. After Sansivero’s work, the house was empty. “The valuables have been cleared out now, and both security and cameras keep watch on it 24/7,” he says.

A Still Art Piece
These artificial flowers have withstood the test of time. Their colors are still rich and bright. A teacup sits next to the flowers as though awaiting someone to drink from it.
The upholstered furnishings here had not withstood well, although you can tell it looked nice when it was new. It’s scenes like this that compelled photographer Bryan Sansivero to say that the house felt so much like stepping back in time than any other he’d ever ventured in.

Outbuildings On The Property
The nine-acre farmstead has multiple structures, including an outhouse, garage, smokery, and various barns.
The inside of the barn is shown. The ancient farm tools in the facility assisted with exhibiting the property’s past as a working plantation. Carol asked that the buildings be kept as monuments.

Educator’s Desk.
Carol probably worked at this desk. While growing up in the farmhouse, she was enrolled in a single-room schoolhouse. Carll attended high school in Jamaica, Queens, then returned to her home town as an educator.
She invited students to tour the farm to learn about local history and farm existence leading to a local school renamed Marion E. Carll in 1957. We know Carll donated the property to the Commack School District.

Multiple Fireplaces
Fireplaces were typical in older homes before houses began getting central air systems. The Carll residence had numerous fireplaces. Some still look fantastic, including this one made of marble.
This would be quite welcoming to anyone sitting in the corner to read or have a conversation, especially on a frigid night. Except for the peeling wallpapers, the room is probably a good depiction of how it was when Carll lived there.

What Was In The Safe
The way the lock system is built on this safe has piqued many people’s interest in what it holds. It was built by Hall’s Safe Company, which is located in Cincinnati.
“A.J. McCarthy, D.D.S.” is engraved on the safe whom research shows as a former staff member at the University of Buffalo’s Dentistry Department It’s not ascertained how the safe got to the farm.

Heritage is Everywhere.
Sansivero said the house has a lot of history lying around. Every room brandished something new to observe, like this blue-and-white china set still in incredibly proper order.
There are numerous additional artifacts in this scene, like an oil lamp and a teapot. The roof in this compartment has deteriorated and now looks ready to fall apart.
Portions of the farmhouse were reasonably preserved, unlike others.
We visited a bedroom, and now we are upstairs the building. The top floor was used as a storehouse and lodging for the household staff.
The whole ceiling has collapsed, and the walls are smudged. Trash lines the ground. The hallway has many reminders of history.

Historic Places Register
Even though the estate is falling apart, it was placed on the National Register with more than a million other properties.
There are a few criteria to be on the register, and properties must meet one including, having made a substantial contribution to American history, being linked to a notable individual, having unique architectural aspects, or being critical to history.

Great Embroidery Work
A blouse on a mannequin and a container with spools of thread were seen in the home’s main bedroom. Ms. Carll appeared to be a great stitcher.
Despite being exposed for so many years, the blouse exhibited great detail and elaborate embroidery endeavor. Maybe Ms. Carll designed it.

The Carll’s History
This image shows Carll around the mid-1900s. The photo’s website says Carll’s sister and two brothers were police officers, and her daughter owned a factory that made men’s shoes.
The Carll family has a prosperous history on Long Island comprising ties to Sagitikos Manor, which transferred to the Thompson family of Setauket, then to the Gardiner family. At the same time, the Carlls went on to be distinguished fellows of neighborhoods in and around the Huntington region.

Endangered Status
Ten years ago, the nonprofit SPLI recorded the Carll Farmstead as an endangered historic place. Robert Hughes is the historian of Huntington. He nominated the estate. He said they have an incredible time capsule due to the historic structures and artifacts.

Preserving The Farm
A council with the Commack school district and locals have been laboring to examine the appropriate use of the notable Carll farm, which is a portion of the town park.
The team working to save the Carll Farm says they are striving to make it a restored historic location, and recommendations include a functional organic farm and a teaching center.
Harvesting Fog: A New Solution for Water Scarcity in Dry Cities

Scientists in Chile are exploring an innovative solution to provide drinking water to some of the driest cities on Earth—harvesting water from fog. Their research suggests that large-scale fog collection could be a sustainable water source for Alto Hospicio, a city in northern Chile that receives less than 0.19 inches (5mm) of rainfall per year.
A City in Need of Water Solutions
Alto Hospicio, perched on the edge of the Atacama Desert, is one of the most arid urban areas in the world. Many residents, particularly in low-income neighborhoods, lack access to a stable water supply and rely on expensive, trucked-in water for their daily needs. With underground aquifers—currently the region’s primary water source—being depleted by urban demand and industrial use, researchers see an urgent need for alternative solutions.
How Fog Harvesting Works
The concept of fog harvesting is simple but effective: a fine mesh net is suspended between poles, and as moisture-laden fog drifts through, water droplets condense on the mesh, collect, and funnel into pipes for storage. This method has been successfully implemented on a small scale in rural parts of South and Central America, and one of the largest existing systems operates in Morocco, capturing moisture from fog near the Sahara Desert.
Scaling Up for Urban Water Needs
Dr. Virginia Carter Gamberini, a researcher at Universidad Mayor, believes that expanding fog collection to a much larger scale could significantly bolster water security in cities like Alto Hospicio. Her team conducted extensive satellite image analysis and weather modeling to identify prime locations where fog harvesting could yield the most water.
The results were promising. Based on an estimated daily water collection rate of 2.5 liters per square meter of mesh, the researchers calculated that:
- 17,000 square meters of mesh could produce 300,000 liters of water per week, enough to replace the trucked-in supply for the city’s poorest communities.
- 110 square meters could meet the annual demand for irrigating green spaces in the city.
- The system could also support hydroponic farming, producing up to 44 pounds (20 kg) of vegetables per month using fog water.
A Natural Fit for Chile’s Coastal Cities
Alto Hospicio’s location along the Pacific coast provides the ideal conditions for fog collection. The city regularly experiences “camanchaca” fog—a dense, low-lying cloud formation generated when warm, humid ocean air moves over the cold Humboldt Current and is pushed inland by winds. With Chile’s unique geography, researchers believe that fog harvesting could be deployed in multiple coastal regions to supplement water supplies.
Dr. Carter and her team are now developing a fog harvesting map of Chile to identify other potential collection sites. They see this technology as a way to enhance urban resilience in the face of climate change, offering a sustainable and decentralized water source for communities struggling with water shortages.
Their findings were published in the journal Frontiers of Environmental Science, adding to the growing global interest in fog harvesting as a climate-adaptive water solution.
As urban populations expand and climate change intensifies water scarcity, fog harvesting could provide a practical, low-impact solution for cities in arid regions. With the right investment and infrastructure, this ancient technique could be the key to securing water for the future.
Endangered Indian Grey Wolf Gives Birth to Eight Pups in Karnataka’s First Wolf Sanctuary

A significant milestone in wildlife conservation has been achieved at the Bankapur Wolf Sanctuary in Karnataka’s Koppal district, where an endangered Indian grey wolf recently gave birth to eight pups. The announcement was made by Environment Minister Eshwar Khandre, who attributed the wolves’ thriving population to enhanced safety measures implemented by the Karnataka Forest Department.
A Growing Population of Indian Grey Wolves
The Bankapur Wolf Sanctuary, spanning 332 hectares, consists of scrub forests, hills, and natural caves, providing an ideal habitat for Indian grey wolves. With the birth of these eight pups, the sanctuary’s wolf population now stands at approximately 35-40 individuals. Minister Khandre noted that while typically only 50% of wolf pups survive in the wild, forest officials are taking proactive measures to ensure the safety of all the newborns.
Conservation Efforts and Eco-Sensitive Designation
To further bolster protection efforts, a decision was taken on January 18 at a subcommittee meeting chaired by Minister Khandre to designate the sanctuary as an eco-sensitive zone. This designation aims to minimize human interference and ensure the continued conservation of the species.
A Thriving Wildlife Habitat
Apart from wolves, the sanctuary is home to a diverse range of wildlife, including leopards, peacocks, blackbucks, foxes, hares, and porcupines. Its rich biodiversity makes it a valuable site for conservation and potential ecotourism.
Future Plans for Ecotourism
Recognizing the sanctuary’s potential as a wildlife destination, officials have been directed to assess the feasibility of setting up a safari. A report is expected to determine whether tourism can be developed in a sustainable manner that does not disturb the sanctuary’s inhabitants.
Bankapur Wolf Sanctuary, located just 15 kilometers from Gangavati town, was officially designated as Karnataka’s first Wolf Wildlife Sanctuary during the 15th Wildlife Board meeting. The latest birth of eight wolf pups marks a hopeful step forward for the conservation of this endangered species, reinforcing the importance of dedicated wildlife sanctuaries in preserving India’s natural heritage.
Scientists Trick Cancer Cells Into Self-Destruction Using Genetic Engineering

A New Approach in Cancer Treatment
Cancer remains one of the most challenging diseases to treat, with its ability to evolve and resist therapies often outpacing medical advancements. However, scientists have now developed an innovative strategy that uses cancer’s own adaptability against it, effectively turning tumor cells into their own worst enemy. This cutting-edge technique, referred to as a “dual switch selection gene drive,” was recently detailed in Nature Biotechnology and could represent a major leap forward in cancer treatment.
How It Works: Turning Cancer Cells Suicidal
Unlike traditional therapies that rely on new drugs or therapeutic targets, this approach exploits cancer cells’ rapid evolution to introduce self-destructive mechanisms. The process begins by genetically engineering cancer cells with a “suicide gene” and introducing two molecular “switches” to guide the cells’ behavior.
- Switch One: When exposed to a specific drug, the engineered cells rapidly outgrow the original cancer cells, taking over the tumor population.
- Switch Two: Once the engineered cells dominate, the second switch is triggered using a harmless compound. This activates a gene that releases a potent toxin, killing both the modified and original cancer cells.
In proof-of-concept experiments, researchers used lung cancer cells and the drug erlotinib. While erlotinib typically works by inhibiting the EGFR protein responsible for unchecked cell growth, the engineered cells were designed to bypass this effect, multiplying even faster under the drug’s influence. Once these cells took over the tumor, the researchers introduced the compound 5-FC, which triggered the second suicide gene. This gene produced an enzyme that converted 5-FC into a highly toxic anti-cancer drug, 5-FU, eradicating the entire tumor.
Promising Results in Animal Models
When tested on mice with non-small cell lung cancer—the most common type of lung cancer—the results were striking. The engineered cells overtook the tumor population within 20 days, and by day 80, the tumors had completely disappeared.
This method addresses a critical limitation of current cancer treatments: resistance. Tumors often develop mechanisms to inactivate drugs or bypass their effects, requiring patients to undergo complex, multi-drug regimens. The dual-switch approach could sidestep this problem by forcing tumors into a controlled self-destructive cycle.
A Potential Revolution in Oncology
The research team is now exploring the application of this method to other cancer types and drug combinations. If successful, this strategy could revolutionize cancer treatment, particularly for hard-to-treat cancers lacking effective therapeutic options. By turning cancer’s adaptability into a tool for its own demise, scientists may have found a way to outsmart one of medicine’s most formidable adversaries.
NBA Forward Trades Hoops for Chalk: Inspires Students in Brooklyn Classroom

For most professional athletes, reaching the NBA is the pinnacle of achievement. But for Brooklyn Nets star Mikal Bridges, it’s only part of the story. The 6’6″ forward has a lesser-known aspiration: becoming a teacher.
“I’ve always wanted to be a second-grade teacher,” Bridges shared during a recent visit to PS 134 in Brooklyn. “Helping kids has always been something I’m passionate about.”
Bridges’ dream stems from his own childhood in Philadelphia, where a standout teacher left a lasting impression. “Second grade was one of my favorite years,” he said. “Ms. Porter made school special for me. She showed me how impactful a teacher can be, and that stuck with me.”
While Bridges’ basketball journey took center stage, his classroom ambitions took a temporary spotlight when he stepped into the role of a substitute teacher for the day. Despite arriving in Brooklyn at 1:30 a.m. after a commanding 120-101 victory against the Cleveland Cavaliers, Bridges was ready to meet the energy of the students.
A Star on the Court and in the Classroom
The day began in the gym, where Bridges organized a game of knockout with a group of fourth graders. The students were brimming with excitement, not just to meet an NBA player but to engage with someone who genuinely cared about their experience.
“Their energy got me going,” Bridges admitted. “They made it easy to jump in and have fun.”
The students seized the rare opportunity to pepper him with questions. One curious child asked, “How do you balance your personal life with basketball?” Bridges, drafted in 2018 and a rising star in the league, took the question in stride.
“Time management is the key,” he explained. “During the season, I travel a lot, so it’s hard. But over the years, I’ve learned to balance it with hanging out with friends and preparing for games.”
In between the laughter and learning, a student’s practical question brought smiles all around: “If your family comes to games, do they get free tickets?” Bridges confirmed with a grin, “Yes, they do.”
Learning Alongside the Kids
After gym class, Bridges joined a first-grade music lesson, where the tables turned. “The kids were teaching me how to play the xylophone,” he said, chuckling at his struggles. “One of them had to point to the notes on the board for me. I finally got it!”
Lunch brought more laughs as Bridges entertained riddles from first graders, and recess became a playground full of awe-struck students marveling at his height and requesting hugs.
Math Class with Mr. Bridges
Perhaps the highlight of the day came during math class, Bridges’ self-proclaimed favorite subject. “Math was always easy for me growing up,” he shared. “I’d help my classmates by breaking down problems in ways that made sense to me. Teaching it felt natural.”
His enthusiasm for numbers translated into lively engagement with the students. They eagerly soaked up his tips and tricks for problem-solving, enjoying their time with their temporary math instructor.
A Shared Dream
While students saw their hero in an entirely new light, the experience was just as meaningful for Bridges. “Teachers shape us,” he reflected. “We spend so much time with them, and they help us grow as people. They don’t always get the recognition they deserve.”
Bridges has already begun to envision life beyond basketball. “This is just the first part of my journey,” he explained. “Teaching is next. Maybe even becoming a principal one day. Who knows?”
For the students at PS 134, the visit was unforgettable. And for Bridges, it was a chance to live out a childhood dream—proving that he’s just as impactful in the classroom as he is on the court.
After Hurricane Helene: A North Carolina Woman Uses Social Media to Reunite Families with Lost Photos

In the aftermath of Hurricane Helene, which ravaged parts of North Carolina, a unique story of recovery and humanity emerged. Amid the destruction, Taylor Schenker of Canton, North Carolina, took it upon herself to reunite families with cherished photographs scattered by the storm.
Hurricane Helene struck in October, leaving widespread devastation in its wake. While Schenker’s home remained intact, her friend’s house near the Swannanoa River was completely destroyed. “We spent hours digging through the mud, trying to salvage anything we could,” Schenker recalled. During this process, she found a handful of photographs and laid them out with other recovered items, hoping their owners might return for them.
But the idea of those photos being lost haunted her. “These little pieces of history had survived the storm,” she said. “I couldn’t bear the thought of them being swept away again.” The next day, she returned to collect the photos and soon found more, realizing they belonged to multiple families. By the end of her efforts, Schenker had amassed over 200 photos, some contributed by search and rescue teams. She carefully cleaned and organized them, determined to return them to their rightful owners.
Reuniting Memories
Using an Instagram page she named “Photos from Helene,” Schenker began posting the pictures. Her efforts quickly gained attention, and families started recognizing their long-lost snapshots. To date, she has reunited approximately 15% of the photos with their owners.
One particularly poignant reunion involved a mother who had lost all photographs of her late son when her home was destroyed. “When I met her to return the photos, it was incredibly emotional,” Schenker shared. Later, during another search, she found yet another picture of the boy, deepening the connection between her efforts and the lives she was touching.
Becky and Nancy Tate, a mother and daughter, also discovered their photos through the Instagram page. Nancy described the surreal moment of scrolling on social media and seeing a childhood Christmas picture of herself. “It was covered in dirt, but I immediately recognized it,” she said. Becky Tate expressed her gratitude, describing the discovery as “a moment of joy and disbelief.”
The Power of Community
Schenker’s project has become a collective effort, with many former neighbors tagging each other in Instagram comments and helping connect families to their photos. “The sense of community is amazing,” she said. “People recognize each other’s memories and come together to help.”
Her Instagram page’s name reflects her mission: while most images from the hurricane depict destruction, the photos she shares capture joyful moments and milestones. “These are snapshots of the lives lived here,” she explained. “Amid all the debris, they’re reminders of what makes this community special.”
Looking Ahead
Despite the challenges of recovery, Schenker’s work continues to provide hope. She mails photos to families who have relocated and hand-delivers them to those still nearby. Her story exemplifies the resilience and kindness that have come to define Asheville in the wake of Hurricane Helene.
“Seeing the joy these photos bring makes it all worthwhile,” she said. “In the face of such loss, even small wins mean so much.”
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