Ashley Adirika, a high school student in Florida, has always wanted to attend an Ivy League university. Consequently, in the late autumn, she sent applications to...
No pet owner likes to leave their pets for extended periods, no matter the reason for leaving. It’s no different for people who may have drug...
Twins have been known to achieve amazing things together, which is why research oftentimes tends to be focused on longitudinal studies of twins and how they...
Back in the 1970s, there was a kids’ cartoon called The Jetsons. It was a comical glimpse into the modern future, particularly with what technology would be...
For anyone who has ever had to travel with a pet across borders, folks know how difficult it can be to transport an animal. Most times,...
Ara Mirzaian has been given lots of titles, including miracle worker. However, Mirzaian probably never expected to also gain the title of “giraffe bracemaker” as well,...
When animals reach the critical point of being endangered, their population is usually down to just a few hundred on the entire planet. That was the...
Storms are notorious for tearing things up, causing damage, and generally creating a big mess. However, in Kansas, they are also known for uncovering things that...
May is the time of year that welcomes summer as well as graduates from schools all over the country. Otis College of Art and Design is...
Unlike the cuddly commercials seen on TV or animal shows narrated by well-known British people whom folks can never remember their names, real nature is a...