Nestled in the heart of Ouachita County is a small city in Arkansas by the name of Camden. Just 100 miles to the south of Little...
No one gets rich being a grade school or high school teacher. It’s a job one does because he or she believes in education, not to...
When going to college, you’re already going to make waves being accepted as a bona fide student at the age of 12. Not only will you...
Kindness knows no bounds, even when it’s a total stranger or maybe even a stray dog. This was proven recently when a dog who was suffering...
Animal shelters have long been a bastion of hope for creatures that would otherwise be left to fend for themselves or die. Since modern society is...
Have you ever had a friend in life who felt more like they were a sibling? Whether they laughed the same way or loved the same...
Doctors and medical professionals around the world are always on the lookout for blood donations. Blood transfusions first truly began in the 1600s and it wasn’t...
No matter where you live in the world or what your current relationship with fashion is, you probably spend more than enough time washing your clothing....
In 1968 a meteorologist was stationed in Antarctica among a number of military personnel. Their role was research as well as, and Paul Grisham’s job was...
Steamboat Springs is a city nestled along the northern edge of Colorado’s Yampa Valley. Known around the state as a ski resort town, the ongoing COVID-19...