It only takes one small act of kindness to transform the life of someone in need forever. The Driver of a Milwaukee bus managed to accomplish...
One would think that in the midst of a pandemic, it would be the most difficult time to raise funds for any venture at all. However,...
Children change what they aspire to become every year or two, sometimes even more frequently. It’s very rare that you hear about someone who remains steadfast...
If there is anything that Americans appreciate, it’s their veterans. Most companies or people as a whole go out of their way to make the vets...
Sweden’s declaration that it will build a network of animal crossings has been the latest example of international attempts to assist animals navigating busy roads. Sweden’s...
It was in 2017 that Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library was launched, and since then, it has sent out over 200,000 books to Flint children. The initiative,...
Nestled in the heart of Ouachita County is a small city in Arkansas by the name of Camden. Just 100 miles to the south of Little...
No one gets rich being a grade school or high school teacher. It’s a job one does because he or she believes in education, not to...
When going to college, you’re already going to make waves being accepted as a bona fide student at the age of 12. Not only will you...
Kindness knows no bounds, even when it’s a total stranger or maybe even a stray dog. This was proven recently when a dog who was suffering...