This bike ride was supposed to offer a chance to take a closer look at the scenery. Instead, these riders received the scare of a lifetime....
It Wasn’t Because Scott Poore Needed an Office for His Business In an age where shared workspaces are a popular solution for small business owners, you could...
Ellen DeGeneres is well known for her kindness. Her show regularly offers a much needed dose of good cheer and her giveaways are the stuff of...
The Gloucester-Mathews Humane Society in Virginia is home to countless animals and many dogs discover new owners there. Banjo is a beagle mix and considers the animal shelter...
The devices we use every day would baffle people who lived just 100 years ago, as technology has advanced in leaps and bounds in the modern...
My neighbor Jose had just adopted a special pit bull from the local rescue shelter. It had been the faithful companion for five years of Jose’s...
A person visiting Palm Beach, Florida witnessed a huge starfish gliding across the sand after low tide. While dislodging itself out of the sand, the creature slowly...
In addition to being one of the most curious and intelligent creatures in Earth’s oceans, due to their great size and the fact that they travel...
The past few months have been quite eventful for one particular albino alligator. In case you missed it, an albino alligator named Snowflake generated more than...
In America many kids get their first exposure to running a business and making a sale by the time-honored attempt at running a lemonade stand for...