In a victory for conservationists and wildlife lovers around the globe, the saiga antelope has made a remarkable recovery, stepping off the critical list of endangered...
In a significant move to safeguard the North American wolverine, federal protection has been granted as a threatened species in the lower 48 states. The decision...
Kenya has embraced a unique and powerful approach to combating climate change with a national tree planting holiday. This initiative, led by Environment Minister Soipan Tuya,...
In an unexpected turn of events, a library in Sweden unintentionally left its doors open and unlocked, leading to a day filled with surprises, a touch...
In a significant move to protect the world’s vital rainforests, countries that house major rainforest regions have joined forces to combat deforestation. This crucial agreement was...
In a heartwarming development for conservationists and wildlife enthusiasts, a female Sumatran rhino was recently born in Indonesia, marking a significant milestone for the endangered species....
A once-neglected trash dump in England has undergone a breathtaking transformation into one of the United Kingdom’s largest solar farms. The Ockendon solar farm, as it...
In a tale that combines the thrill of discovery with a newfound hobby, a Norwegian man named Eriend Bore embarked on a metal-detecting adventure and unearthed...
In a surprising and exciting move, a company based in Quebec, known as “Mon Technicien,” has taken employee perks to a whole new level by purchasing...
Paris, the City of Light, is reclaiming its historic connection to the Seine River as it reopens its waters for swimming after a ban lasting for...