For a long time, wolves have been depicted as villains in stories, fairytales, and cartoons. However, a recent survey conducted in Canada reveals a shift in...
The Amazon rainforest, a vast and magnificent ecosystem, has been facing a grave threat from deforestation for many years. However, there is good news on the...
In a momentous event for the Blackfeet tribe, 30 wild buffalo were released onto tribal lands near Chief Mountain, marking a significant step towards cultural revitalization...
In a heartwarming tale of resilience and compassion, three baby owls have defied the odds and taken flight once again after being rescued and nurtured back...
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live in a place where no one has to go to bed hungry? Well, in the...
Mart Veldhuis, a talented Dutch artist, found a creative way to pay off his student loan debt. He crafted a remarkable tapestry that depicted the 46,000...
A new study led by Sydney Centre for Language Research Professor Nick Enfield has shown that the human tendency to help others within their social group...
The World Happiness Report has released its list of the 10 happiest countries in the world, and for the sixth year in a row, Finland has...
As the world grapples with the ongoing loss of biodiversity and wildlife, two wildlife sanctuaries in Central and Northern Victoria are working to strengthen their conservation...
Every spring, visitors to Washington D.C. are treated to a magnificent display of pink and white cherry blossom trees. These iconic trees have a rich history...