While the Nazis became notorious for the atrocities they committed during World War II, they were not the only country that rounded people up because of...
Despite federal as well as provincial rescue undertakings, caribou populations remain on the decline throughout Canada, primarily as a result of human activities. One herd of...
What do you do with a monk past his 125th birthday who wants to keep serving his neighbor, even if that person has leprosy? Well, if he...
They’ve been working at the Baltimore Museum of Art as guards for years, Chris Koo as well as Traci Archable-Frederick. When a news reporter asked, “You’ve...
While there are scores of marine species located off the Maldives coastline, a new addition has been formally defined by a Maldivian researcher—and it’s been titled...
Landing a quadruple jump or quadruple axel in figure skating, specifically on the world level, is the dream of most figure skaters. Doing it at the...
Now that Rein, the conservation dog, has spent the better part of a decade searching for kiwis to keep them from going extinct, it’s time for...
With his fingertips, 38-year-old Sutton feels as though a Banyan tree on Fukuejima Island, along a narrow path with its branches extending in all directions, is...
The myth of the solo fisherman catching fish one by one or with a small net has been idolized first in literature and then in classic...
There are millions of people living below the poverty line for varying reasons. Some only need a little assistance to get themselves back on track. Fortunately,...