Giant Panda bear cubs attack their mom as she sits on the grass. The frisky young bear cubs play and snuggle with her. One cub even bites...
It is always a great thing to let professionals and experts who know exactly what they are doing rescue animals since they are more knowledgeable. This...
With the amount of cat memes on the Internet, cats can generally make you feel good. Whether it’s a cat getting stuck in a funny place...
A story from an animal shelter in Wisconsin was nothing short of a crime mystery novel, with a twist at ending. The Fox Valley Humane Association...
Southern California is a hotbed for people watching, But it is also a place where escaped dogs roam freely. One was reunited with his family thanks...
The annals of history are filled with stories describing how people’s lives have been saved. These acts of heroism are always amazing and show the resilience...
The exact moment when a mother sees her newborn baby for the first time is one of the most amazing sights in the world. The utter...
Wild animals try to stick to their natural habitat and they also tend to follow their natural social characteristics. For example, leopards are known to be...
If you’ve ever owned a cat, you’ve observed the peculiar affinity cats have toward boxes. There are several reasons people love cats. They’re affectionate, cute, soft...
In 2019 Shawn and Rita Fitzgerald settled into the realization that they were never going to be parents. Rita had suffered multiple miscarriages. She found it...