There are countless animals out there that are in need of families who are going to love them and take care of them. Sometimes, animals are...
A piglet and a cat might seem like an odd pair, but the kitten named Sriracha and the little pig Batman have proved otherwise. The friendship and interactions...
There is a saying that dogs are man’s best friend. In many ways, pets are a great way to teach Sean responsibility when they were growing...
Kris Burget made a video in September 2011 where he explained the basics of how he prepared for hunting. Kris is a normal sized guy, but...
There is a saying that fortune favors the prepared. In some cases, it might be phrased that fortune favors the bold. This story is one that...
When people think about New York City, they often envision one of the greatest cities on Earth. They also think about a city that never sleeps....
Some people think that our pets know more about what we need than anyone in our families or friend groups. Pets always seem to be able...
There is no question that dog-owners have a unique, special bond with their furry friends, sometimes even going so far as to treat them literally as...
Aaron Franks of Pennsylvania spent two years transforming his mundane backyard into a spectacular playground for his four Pit Bull dogs. He is now considered to...
There is a saying that dogs are a man’s best friend. There are numerous people who grow up with dogs and decide to treat them as...