When children learn how to read, they often find it embarrassing if they need to read out loud to others. In recent years, a new activity...
Recently, an adorable story is making the rounds describing a dog who reached new heights after being given up by her first owners. Sadly, this dog...
Without a doubt, there is a serious problem when it comes to homeless people. Millions of people live without a roof over their heads and don’t...
While the holidays are supposed to be a time for family members and friends to come together, they can also be a stressful experience. The airports...
Charlotte Nebres is making headlines and history in New York City Ballet’s 2019 Production of The Nutcracker 1. She’s only 11 years old Charlotte is eleven years...
Growth doesn’t happen in your comfort zone. It’s a place where you take timeouts from life, but not where you become who you are meant to...
My great-grandfather was almost one hundred years old when he passed away. That’s 36,500 days, more or less. And yet, his advice to me was always,...
Animal rescue is far more than just a current fad. People are recognizing that animals are sentient beings and they deserve better treatment than we give...
It’s unfortunate that the idea persists in society that women are not capable of working as firefighters. As women have become increasingly prominent in other industries...
I feed my canine dog food that contains healthy ingredients like lamb and garbanzo beans. I give him lots of people food on the sly, too....