A story aired on the Oprah Winfrey Show in 1994 featured an 11-year-old white, red-haired boy who claimed that he remembered dying as a child soldier...
We all go through tough times but some have far more to deal with than others. Take Ray and Tiffany Johnson for example. The family works...
On November 20th, 2017 when Stephanie first visited The Doctors, she was battling anorexia nervosa. This is an eating disorder characterized by an obsession to lose...
Suzanne Somers, a serial movie star, surprised most of her fans when she confessed that she didn’t like being a movie star because she had it...
A message in a bottle is something that we have all heard about or sent at one time or another. This fun summer activity is one...
Finley Smallwood from Eastvale, California, a four-year-old daughter to Josh and Christina Smallwood, has become an online sensation with over 112,000 followers on a social media...
Larry Gomez is a happy, hard-working family man just like many other men his age. He is very different, however. Larry suffers from a condition called...
Children can have you move up and down anxiously with their games of picking up foreign objects and placing them up their noses. As the kid’s...
Debby Montgomery had a wonderful life with her husband and they were blissfully happy. When she met her loving husband, she was a US Air Force...
Actress and comedian, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, was certainly spreading the love to her fans this Valentine’s Day. After undergoing her first operation for breast cancer, she excitedly...