In the world of wildlife rescue, there are heroes who go above and beyond to help our feathered friends when they are in need. One such...
A man in Michigan, Don Powell, was left completely puzzled when he discovered two small wooden dolls in his mailbox one day, along with a note...
Gacek the fat cat in Poland is a beloved feline who has become quite famous in his home country. Gacek is a large, fluffy cat who...
If you’ve ever had a late book due back to a library, then you know it comes with penalty. In most cases, that penalty is a...
If you’ve ever seen the musical movie, Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street, starring Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham-Carter, then you could be forgiven for...
Don’t let the name fool you, because Hell, a town in Michigan, is nothing like the name might suggest. Most recently, the town went as far...
There are a lot of odd characters at Burning Man, the annual Labor Day Weekend celebration in the western desert, but the last one folks usually...
For a human, a dog may be a great companion. However, when a good throwing stick is flying through the air, a human might as well...
When people talk about where they met for the first time and realized it mean something serious, not many will say it was at a fast...
Amateur photographers love to get great shots, especially given that sometimes they seem random, and the trick to reaching professional status is to produce great shots...