The Gloucester-Mathews Humane Society in Virginia is home to countless animals and many dogs discover new owners there. Banjo is a beagle mix and considers the animal shelter...
Many people consider cats and dogs to be mortal enemies, but I have always felt that this is not true. Yes, cats and dogs fight, but...
When You’re a Farm Animal Who’s Different, Your Life Can Be At Risk It was a balancing act of common sense and compassion, and compassion won....
My neighbor Jose had just adopted a special pit bull from the local rescue shelter. It had been the faithful companion for five years of Jose’s...
Siblings have been well known for doing weird things to each other. It’s the kind of experience that can shape memories and their opinions of each...
Should kids be allowed in school if their parents refuse to vaccinate them? Some parents say yes while others say no. The Philadelphia public school system...
If you’ve ever tuned into the HGTV channel, you know that their priority is reality television. At HGTV, there is no show bigger than Fixer Upper. Led...
Bella’s Story Owl Attack and Foster Family Bella was raised as a baby with three other rescue squirrels by a family who frequently rehabilitates wildlife and...
Senior Discounts Ahead People enjoying the benefits of senior discounts can also appreciate the available offers for tourism opportunities, cost savings, and the daily perks of...