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High School President Expresses Gratitude with Personal Touch

A high school class president in Massachusetts, showing a remarkable sense of appreciation, decided to honor each of his fellow graduates with personal thank-you notes. This touching gesture took center stage at their commencement ceremony.

Mason Macuch, the class president of Apponequet Regional High School in Lakeville, MA , delivered a speech on June 7, where he revealed his thoughtful plan. “I wish I could’ve acknowledged you all, but there was simply not enough time,” he said. “Instead, I want you to reach under your chairs, where you will find a personal note that I’ve written to each of you as a way to say one final goodbye and thank you for making these years that will soon pass the ‘good ole days.’”

Under the chairs, the graduating seniors discovered 5-by-7-inch white cards, each containing a heartfelt message. Macuch had spent about 10 hours crafting these notes, a labor of love that reflected his connections with many of his classmates. “I just wrote anything from farewell messages to little memories that I had with whoever I was writing to, or maybe if it was a close friend, a longer message to them,” Macuch explained. “Anything that I could think of about the person I wanted to say about them before we graduated and went on our separate ways.”

The initiative required the approval of school administrators, and on the day of the ceremony, Macuch, along with an assistant principal and a teacher, arrived early to tape the cards under the chairs. His effort did not go unnoticed; many graduates thanked him personally, and parents expressed their appreciation through social media.

Macuch’s act of kindness was not just a farewell; it was a testament to the bonds formed over the years. “Some people I hadn’t talked to in a few years were just so thankful for them. It was really nice to see that they were just so appreciative of all the hard work that went into them, and it was a really nice way to say goodbye to everyone,” he reflected.

As he prepares to start college in the fall, with plans to study biochemistry, Macuch’s gesture serves as a lasting reminder of the power of gratitude and personal connection. His mother’s advice on writing thank-you notes undoubtedly played a significant role in this memorable act of appreciation.


From Streets to Home: A Dog’s Remarkable Transformation

Renee Yates



In a heartwarming tale that underscores the transformative power of love, a once “sad little street dog” found a forever home, dramatically altering its life for the better.

Initially discovered by an animal rescue center, the stray dog was in poor condition, with matted and dirty fur, and a noticeable wariness of humans. Its future seemed uncertain until a woman, moved by photographs she saw on Facebook, decided to adopt the little pooch.

The adoption marked a turning point in the dog’s life. Fast forward three months, and the shy, forlorn street dog has become a lively and joyful house pet. Photos shared by the new owner on Reddit capture this incredible journey, showing the dog happily playing in a grassy yard, grinning widely, and enjoying the company of a furry friend and a cozy bed.

The Reddit post, titled “From sad little street dog to happy housepet in three months,” quickly resonated with the community, garnering over 1,200 upvotes and a slew of positive comments. One user remarked, “So adorable. Thank you for taking care of him and giving him a lovely home and family.” Another noted, “He’s got such a personality! Shines through the photos. Thank you for saving him.” A third added, “Aww. What a darling. Glad you were there to take this honeyface in and give him the love that all the sweet pups deserve.”

The story also sheds light on the broader issue of homeless dogs. According to Dogster, around 100,000 canines are currently homeless in the UK. This poignant transformation underscores the profound impact that adopting a homeless pet can have, not just on the animal but also on the adopter. The woman who adopted the dog shared her feelings, saying, “He has done so much for us! He’s so sweet and easy to love, and he has completed our first dog’s life by being a patient and gentle best friend towards her (she can be very clingy)… It’s been awesome getting to know him and getting to see him get to be a puppy!”

This touching narrative serves as a powerful reminder of the difference a loving home can make, encouraging more people to consider adopting homeless animals. The joy and fulfillment that come with giving a pet a second chance are immeasurable, benefiting both the animal and its new family.

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Cat Reunited with Owner 12 Years After Disappearing: ‘Didn’t Feel Real’

Kevin Wells



A family that had lost hope of ever seeing their cat again received surprising news recently. After 12 long years, their cat, Artie, has been reunited with its owner.

Artie disappeared from the home of Theo-Will McKenna, 29, after the family moved from Blacon in Chester to Connah’s Quay in Flintshire, Wales, back in 2012. McKenna, who was 17 at the time, spent six months searching for Artie, but eventually, the family lost hope.

Then, just three weeks ago, Artie was discovered after spending four days in a garden close to where the family used to live in Connah’s Quay.

“I hadn’t been able to take him with me when I moved out, and my mom moved to Connah’s Quay with him, my brother, and our other pets,” McKenna explained. “I was in college in the area, so I’d pop back to visit once a week or so.” One day, when McKenna was visiting home, his mom reported that Artie was missing. “He hadn’t come back in a couple of days — and he’d never done that before. He used to come back every night.”

McKenna immediately went out to look for Artie, walking around the entire area with a bag full of treats but found nothing. He kept an eye out for Artie every time he was in the area, but there was no sign of him. “After about six months, I lost hope. I reached the point where I thought that either, God forbid, something had happened to him, or someone else had taken him in.”

Residents at the home where Artie was found took him to the vet, who discovered a microchip registered to McKenna’s mom, with a contact number for North Clwyd Animal Rescue (NCAR). NCAR picked up Artie and shared a post on Facebook to find his owners. A friend saw the post and recognized Artie, sending it to McKenna.

McKenna explained that Artie showed up in someone’s garden near where his mom had lived in Connah’s Quay. Artie stayed there for four days, not leaving at all. The vet’s office scanned Artie’s microchip and saw that it was still registered to McKenna’s mom at their old address. When they found out that she no longer lived there, they reached out to NCAR, who reclaimed Artie from the vet.

Artie had some medical issues that needed attention. He had some teeth removed, treatment for hyperthyroidism, and had precancerous lumps removed from his ears. NCAR got him stable and then posted about him on their Facebook page. “My friend saw it and sent me the post — it took me a second to recognize him because he looked so bedraggled and skinny,” McKenna said. “It didn’t feel real. I thought there was no way it could be him. It had been 12 years — he went missing when I was 17. I thought no cat could survive 12 years on the street.”

Once McKenna picked up Artie, he took him home to his current apartment, where Artie is now getting used to living with McKenna’s other cat. “We’re still in the trial period, but he’s been completely fine. He’s purring up a storm every time I go near him. My other cat has been a little bit wary, but we’ve been doing introductory methods and getting her used to his smell. It’s a slow process, but I’m absolutely determined that he’s staying with me.”

McKenna believes that people must have been looking after Artie over the years, putting out food or taking him in. “I don’t think he would have made it 12 years without community kindness.”

Artie is now 16 years old and will need ongoing medical care, with his medicine costing about $64 per month. McKenna has started a fundraiser online to help with the cat’s medical expenses. “I want him to be able to spend his twilight years somewhere that he’s loved — which will be here,” he said.

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Mum Thanks Sunderland Royal Hospital Team with Special Artwork for Caring for Her Son

Kelly Taylor



Hannah Graham, a Sunderland mum, created a heartfelt drawing to express her gratitude to the “absolute treasure” of an anaesthetist and his team who helped her autistic five-year-old son, Peter, during his first general anaesthetic at Sunderland Royal Hospital.

Peter, who has cerebral palsy and autism, was anxious about the procedure, which required anaesthesia. Consultant anaesthetist Will Green played an episode of the popular kids’ TV show Hey Duggee and even sang along to calm Peter.

To assist in keeping Peter entertained, Hannah, an illustrator, drew Will’s face on a rubber glove. She later incorporated this and other elements into a special picture, capturing the team present during Peter’s procedure as a way to thank them.

Hannah shared, “As an illustrator, I thought this would be the best way to show how much we appreciated what they did to help Peter. He was cared for in the hospital’s Neonatal Unit when he was born, so I used to draw to keep busy when he was very little. This was my way of saying the hugest thank you for the incredible experience we had. Peter has autism and cerebral palsy, and having a brilliant and proactive team made our journey so smooth.”

She highlighted the exceptional care provided by anaesthetist Will Green, saying, “He made so many proactive steps and showed sincere care, making reasonable adjustments to help Peter. F63 is such an attentive and happy team, they were all brilliant. They put on disco lights, and there’s the clickety-clack of the train in the Hey Duggee episode, so they’re in there too.”

Will Green expressed his emotional reaction to Hannah’s artwork, saying, “We were all lost for words when we saw the picture, it was rather emotional. I have a little boy named Henry, and enjoy Star Wars, superheroes, and Lego, which is all very helpful for my work in paediatrics. The illustration is absolutely beautiful, and we are all very touched that Hannah used her time and immense talent to give us some truly unique feedback. Hannah captured how the team comes together around a person, aiming not just to provide excellent medical care, but to create an individual and positive experience.”

He acknowledged the wonderful team he worked with, including Deb Hollins, Kelly Pearce, Ling Lee, Neil Gayares, Reny Chacko, and Ann Mallam, who all helped care for Peter. Will, who recently started as a consultant at the South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Trust, works across both adult and children’s services. He hopes that Hannah’s picture will show that coming for surgery can be a “happy and exciting experience.”

Reflecting on their work with Peter, Will said, “Peter was good as gold. We did for Peter what we try to do for all our patients, adjusting our approach based on what the person in front of us needs. Come to F floor theatres and you might see bubbles, disco lights, nursery rhymes, even a rave or a rap—it just depends on what makes the individual most comfortable. The team is committed to creating a positive environment from pre-assessment to theatre, and I see staff making small changes that make a big difference to our patients.”

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Cat Accidentally Shipped 650 Miles in Amazon Box, Found Safe

Renee Yates



Cats are known for their love of boxes, and Galena, a cat from Central Utah, is no exception. This adventurous feline found herself on an unplanned journey over 650 miles away in California after sneaking into an Amazon return package. Her owner, Carrie Stephens Clark from Lehi, Utah, realized Galena was missing on April 10 and immediately started a thorough search.

Clark shared on Facebook that after searching their home, the local area, and even the Jordan River Trail without any luck, they posted flyers and turned to social media. The situation looked bleak until an unexpected call changed everything a week later. A veterinarian in California contacted Clark to report that Galena had been found after her microchip was scanned near Riverside. The cat had unknowingly climbed into a shoebox that was being sent back to Amazon and ended up in a warehouse.

At the warehouse, an Amazon employee, Brandy Hunter, noticed Galena inside a sealed box among returned items. Despite being scared and a bit dehydrated, Galena was in good health, with no injuries apart from potential bruises. Hunter, moved by the cat’s condition, helped her receive veterinary care and coordinated with Clark for her return.

Clark and her husband flew to California to reunite with Galena, and the reunion was described as magical. The family then drove 1,400 miles back to Utah to bring Galena home. Clark expressed her gratitude for the microchip that helped locate Galena quickly and stressed the importance of microchipping pets. She also humorously advised pet owners to double-check their boxes before returning them to avoid similar surprises.

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Second Chance at Old Friends: Woman Finds Healing Among Senior Dogs

Renee Yates



Kerry Gluck’s story is one of resilience and finding purpose in unexpected places. It’s a tale marked by anniversaries – a devastating tornado four years ago, overcoming long-haul COVID two years back, and now, celebrating two years working at a place that’s become her sanctuary: Old Friends Senior Dog Sanctuary.

Life wasn’t always easy for Kerry. A tornado ripped through her Mt. Juliet neighborhood four years ago, leaving their home in ruins. Then came a battle with COVID that left her barely able to walk. These challenges forced her to retire from her 27-year nursing career.

But hope arrived two years ago when Kerry started working at Old Friends. Funded by donations, the sanctuary provides a loving home for senior dogs with medical needs.

“The elderly dogs hold a big place in my heart,” Kerry says. “Every day is filled with activities for the dogs, both here and those fostered in homes.”

Kerry feels a deep connection with the dogs, having experienced her own struggles. “I know what it’s like to need help,” she confides. “I feel like I’ve waited my whole life for this job.”

The sanctuary recently celebrated its 12th anniversary with a unique event – a “Geezer Gala” dog prom! Dressed in their finest attire, the senior pups enjoyed the company of guests and each other.

“It’s a wholesome environment,” Kerry beams. “It just fills your heart with joy.”

Kerry reflects on her journey, acknowledging the hardships and the unexpected blessings. “My life is completely different now,” she says. “I celebrate with hundreds of friends, some with two feet and some with four.”

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