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Los Angeles Unveils Roadmap to 100% Renewable Energy

The largest city in all of California, Los Angeles hosts a population north of four million people as well as nearly 3.8% of the nation’s economy. Revered as a destination for outdoor enthusiasts and Hollywood aspirationals alike, Los Angeles also has earned a reputation for its smog and pollution.

Fortunately for LA locals, it looks like there is a plan being put in place to transition away from burning coal for electricity. If this goal is enacted, eventually Los Angeles could see itself achieving more than 98% of its clean energy within the next ten years.

Clean Energy to Combat Pollution

A first-of-its-kind study was commissioned by the city of Los Angeles in collaboration with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. The study would go on to reveal that Los Angeles has a legitimate opportunity to attain 98% clean energy by 2031 and 100% clean energy by 2035, both plans that fall in line with the promises made by President Biden on climate change. The report went on to conclude that clean energy can get produced at an efficient level so that rolling blackouts and economic disruptions are no longer required.

According to the NREL, a federal research agency, the path toward clean energy involves the construction of solar farms, batteries, and wind turbines. These clean energy solutions have been around for years, but they’ve only just recently become embraced at a federal level under the Biden Administration, continuing plans put in place by President Obama preceding him. Included in the construction goals listed in the report is a focus on energy efficiency and something known as ‘demand response’, a program that would pay people to utilize energy when the solar and wind farms are producing plentiful amounts.

Not only would the efforts put in place by the NREL study help combat pollution, but it would also go directly toward slashing the traumatic pollution that comes from cars, power plants, furnaces, and trucks all throughout Los Angeles County. These changes would have a dramatic and direct positive impact on lower-income neighborhoods as well as communities of color.

While the NREL study is incredibly optimistic, it is also incredibly feasible. According to researchers and professionals who have absorbed the NREL study, the energy efficiency plan allows for year-round power, with lights on every hour out of the year. Additionally, the commissioned report proposes that homes would even be protected from energy loss due to wildfires and downed transmission lines.

Discussions surrounding clean energy and how to implement it have risen dramatically since the power outages that plagued Texas in early 2021. Power grid failures and an over-reliance on fossil fuels would highlight a natural disaster that saw millions of native Texans without power, forced to boil snow to gain access to life-saving water. With continued weather extremes to come due in large part to climate change, these issues are only going to get worse as time goes on.

Mayor Garcetti spoke on the issue citing a need to keep medical equipment powered, refrigerators running, and the city operational in the face of extreme weather. Garcetti pointed to “top scientists” from “around the world” that have helped to create an actionable plan that is as realistic as it is potentially effective.

The NREL created a study team of more than 100 participants in support of the Eagle Supercomputer located at the Golden, CO, Research Headquarters. The program has incorporated millions of simulations since 2017 while generating reliable data for use with reference to jobs, weather, power lines, solar panels, and electrical use throughout L.A. County.


Swiss Innovation: Revolutionizing Chocolate Production with Whole Cocoa Fruit

Kevin Wells



A groundbreaking development in chocolate production has emerged from Switzerland’s Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich. Food scientist Kim Mishra and his team have created a method to manufacture chocolate using the entire cocoa fruit, not just the beans, while eliminating the need for added sugar.

This innovative approach addresses several issues in the chocolate industry, including sustainability and farmer welfare. Traditionally, chocolate production discards most of the cocoa fruit, wasting valuable resources. The new method utilizes the fruit’s sweet juice, pulp, and even the husk to create a naturally sweet cocoa gel, potentially revolutionizing the industry.

The process has attracted attention from sustainable food companies and could solve multiple problems faced by the cocoa industry. Anian Schreiber, co-founder of KOA, a Swiss startup involved in the project, believes this approach could increase income for cocoa farmers and create more value in cocoa-producing countries.

This development comes at a time when the chocolate industry is under scrutiny for its historical links to colonialism and ongoing issues such as child labor and deforestation. The new method could contribute to more ethical and sustainable chocolate production.

The chocolate produced by this method has been described as having a rich, dark, yet sweet flavor with a hint of cocoa bitterness. However, challenges remain, including potentially higher production costs due to the current subsidies for sugar production.

Despite these hurdles, interest in the new method is growing. Chocolate producers from various cocoa-growing countries have reached out to learn more about the technique. Some major Swiss producers are beginning to incorporate more of the cocoa fruit in their processes, though none have yet eliminated sugar entirely.

As the Swiss chocolate industry, which produces 200,000 tonnes of chocolate annually worth an estimated $2 billion, looks to the future, this innovation could play a significant role in ensuring sustainability while maintaining Switzerland’s reputation for exceptional chocolate.

The development represents not just a potential shift in chocolate production, but also a step towards more sustainable and ethical practices in the food industry as a whole.

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Ukraine’s New Generation of Pet Owners: Finding Hope and Healing Through Animal Adoption

Renee Yates



In the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, a heartening trend has emerged among the country’s younger generation. Millennials and Gen-Z Ukrainians, many of whom previously hesitated to take on the responsibility of pet ownership, are now stepping up to adopt animals displaced by the conflict. This wave of compassion is particularly evident in Kyiv, where the canine population now includes many furry friends with poignant wartime backstories.

This article highlights several touching tales of adoption:

Olena, a 30-year-old entrepreneur, found an instant connection with Chara, a dog rescued from Izium in the Kharkiv Region. Their bond formed quickly, creating a new family unit.

Daria, 31, welcomed Amelie, a cocker spaniel discovered near the Belarusian border by her boyfriend during a military mission. Amelie’s rescue fulfilled Daria’s long-held desire to help an animal in need.

Nastia, a 32-year-old designer with roots in conflict-affected regions, found solace in Spike, a mixed-breed dog from the Donetsk region. Their relationship has brought joy amidst Nastia’s experiences with displacement.

Vitalii, 33, and his wife Julia adopted Dyvo (meaning “Miracle” in Ukrainian), a puppy who overcame severe illness. For Vitalii, this marked his first deep connection with an animal, becoming a source of healing.

Costya, 34, and his girlfriend chose Runa from a shelter in Vasylkiv, appreciating the organization’s approach to reducing animal stress through temporary home placements.

Oleh and Lika, a creative couple, brought Maoshinda, a Ukrainian Laika, into their lives, overcoming initial hesitations about pet ownership.

Anya, 22, found companionship in Luna, a street dog who lost her puppies, filling a void left by wartime disruptions.

Max, 33, adopted Chief, a dog rescued from the Donetsk region, learning to navigate the challenges of pet ownership, including separation anxiety.

Olga and Andrii’s adoption of Sirko, a husky rescued from Irpin, prompted Olga’s return to Ukraine from Berlin, symbolizing a deeper commitment to their home during uncertain times.

These stories collectively illustrate how adopting animals affected by war has not only provided homes for displaced pets but also brought healing, purpose, and renewed hope to their human companions during a challenging period in Ukraine’s history.

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Breakthrough in Maugean Skate Conservation: First Captive-Born Hatchling Thrives

Kevin Wells



Scientists at the University of Tasmania’s Institute of Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) are celebrating a significant milestone in their efforts to save the endangered Maugean skate. The captive breeding program, initiated in December, has produced its first hatchling from an egg laid in captivity.

Professor Jayson Semmens, who leads the project, expressed enthusiasm about this development, noting its importance in validating the program’s scientific approach. The success comes at a crucial time, as recent studies have shown a dramatic decline in the skate population in its last known habitat, Macquarie Harbour on Tasmania’s west coast.

The breeding program has seen remarkable progress since its inception. A female skate brought into captivity has been consistently producing eggs, with over 100 laid so far and about 70 showing signs of embryonic development. The first healthy female hatchling emerged on July 10, with more expected soon.

Interestingly, the eggs are being fertilized using sperm stored by the female from previous mating in the wild, as the captive male was initially kept separate to avoid disturbing the laying process. Scientists are now observing the interactions between the adult skates in captivity.

The program has evolved rapidly, moving from basic care of skates and their eggs to successfully nurturing embryos into viable hatchlings. While there have been challenges, including the loss of two adult skates early in the program, these setbacks have led to improved screening and care protocols.

Looking ahead, researchers are focusing on developing strategies for successfully reintroducing captive-bred skates into the wild. Macquarie Harbour’s unique environmental conditions, including naturally low oxygen levels, present specific challenges that need to be addressed.

The Tasmanian government has incorporated the captive breeding program into a broader conservation action plan for the Maugean skate. However, environmental groups stress the need for urgent attention to the root causes of the harbour’s poor water quality, particularly citing concerns about the impact of salmon farming.

Despite these challenges, the scientists involved in the project express a sense of privilege in their work to preserve this endangered species, viewing each day with the skates as a special opportunity to contribute to conservation efforts.

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Centennial Celebration: World Unites to Honor RAF Veteran with Flood of Birthday Wishes

Kevin Wells



A heartwarming global response marked the 100th birthday of Richard ‘Dick’ Skepper, a former Royal Air Force (RAF) serviceman. Following an appeal by the RAF Association, Skepper’s Warwickshire home was inundated with birthday cards from well-wishers worldwide, creating an unforgettable centennial celebration.

The outpouring of support left Skepper deeply moved. His son, David, shared that the cards came from an incredibly diverse range of senders, spanning multiple generations and continents. The family was amazed to see postmarks from as far as Australia and the Americas, alongside numerous European countries.

David emphasized how touched his father was by the thoughtfulness evident in each card. The veteran took the time to read every message, marveling at the variety of designs and their far-flung origins. While individual acknowledgment of each sender isn’t feasible, the family expressed profound gratitude for the joy these gestures brought to Skepper’s milestone birthday.

The centenarian’s military service began at 18 when he joined the RAF, eventually serving with 7 Squadron under Bomber Command at RAF Oakington in Cambridgeshire. His role as a Flight Mechanic – Engines (FM1) was crucial to the war effort.

To commemorate this special occasion, Skepper enjoyed a garden party at his nursing home, Kinton Manor, surrounded by loved ones. The global card-sending initiative not only honored his past service but also created new, cherished memories as he enters his second century of life.

This outpouring of international support demonstrates the enduring respect for veterans and the power of community to create meaningful celebrations across borders.

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Oxford Brewery Reduces Reoffending Rates by Training Ex-Convicts to Brew





Tap Social Movement, a craft brewery in Oxford, hires and trains ex-convicts in ale-making. This approach has been successful in reducing reoffending rates and is seen as a potential solution to the overcrowding crisis in UK prisons.

Amy Taylor and Paul Humpherson, former Ministry of Justice advisers, co-founded Tap Social Movement after becoming frustrated with the lack of support for prison leavers. They saw that many ex-convicts struggled to find housing, employment, and the self-confidence to reintegrate into society.

“We were part of a system that wasn’t addressing the root causes of overcrowding,” said Humpherson. “There are huge barriers for people wanting to rebuild their lives after release, and often, the necessary support isn’t there.”

Taylor, Humpherson, and Taylor’s sister, Tess, started the brewery to show that businesses could help prison leavers and still be commercially successful. They are part of a growing number of businesses, including the Co-op, Greggs, and Pret a Manger, that hire ex-offenders. James Timpson, known for his key-cutting business that employs jail leavers, was recently appointed as prisons minister.

Humpherson believes the government should offer incentives to encourage more businesses to run similar programs. “Having a stable job with caring employers gives ex-convicts the framework to rebuild their lives,” he said. “This leads to less crime, fewer victims, and lower costs for prosecution and punishment. It’s a win-win.”

Since Tap Social Movement opened in 2016, only 6% of the more than 50 ex-convicts they’ve hired have reoffended, compared to the national average of about 50%. The brewery has expanded to include three bars and a bakery, all staffed partly by former convicts.

Staff members have moved on to various careers, including construction, security, hospitality, and car sales. Olsi Vullneteri, who worked at Tap as an assistant brewer after serving a seven-year prison sentence for fraud, started his own sales business using the skills he learned at the brewery.

“When you get out of prison, you think you’ll never be respected again,” said Vullneteri. “But Tap restored my faith. They understand where you’re coming from and help you relearn how to live outside. I loved every second, especially the quality control tastings.”

The beer from Tap Social Movement, including Time Better Spent IPA, is recognized by the Good Beer Guide, and their Inside Out stout won a gold medal from the Society of Independent Brewers and Associates.

“It’s important to us that the product isn’t just a gimmick,” said co-founder Tess Taylor. “People often buy the beer to support our mission, but they keep buying it because it’s genuinely great beer.”

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