Raising children can be an enjoyable and rewarding experience; however, it can be hard for children to learn how to interact with animals. When it comes...
The Jacksonville Humane Society, a non-profit, no-kill animal shelter, is a member of No Kill Jacksonville. The shelter provides adoption and veterinary services to homeless pets...
The holiday season is coming up quickly and there are lots of people who plan on taking their pets with them. After all, the holidays are...
Christina Hunger is a speech pathologist who works with young children around two years old to enhance their ability to communicate with adults. Christina has always...
If you’re wondering what you can do to make your pet’s life as long and healthy as possible, it’s a good idea to consider banking your...
One of the many fires in California recently was the Easy fire, the one that almost burned down the Reagan library in the Simi Valley area. ...
Air Force One is way more than just a private jet for the President of the United States of America. There are many secrets within it...
If you have a new puppy, one of your worst fears may be that it is attacked by another animal. It’s one of those fears that we...
There are lots of reasons why you’ve chosen to spay or neuter your puppy. It’s the responsible thing to do, because there are already too many...
There are lots of people who have pets and one of the most common is the housecat. Those who have experience living with a cat probably...