Many humans dream of being a hero. They think about all the ways they might be able to do so: become a police officer or fireman,...
Have you ever had a really special friend? You know what I mean….that friend that you would ride to the ends of the earth with. The...
The Gloucester-Mathews Humane Society in Virginia is home to countless animals and many dogs discover new owners there. Banjo is a beagle mix and considers the animal shelter...
Many people consider cats and dogs to be mortal enemies, but I have always felt that this is not true. Yes, cats and dogs fight, but...
When You’re a Farm Animal Who’s Different, Your Life Can Be At Risk It was a balancing act of common sense and compassion, and compassion won....
The devices we use every day would baffle people who lived just 100 years ago, as technology has advanced in leaps and bounds in the modern...
My neighbor Jose had just adopted a special pit bull from the local rescue shelter. It had been the faithful companion for five years of Jose’s...
Married…With Children remains to be the longest-lasting comedy sitcom on FOX network. It shocked fans just as much as it excited them. The show attracted fans...
A person visiting Palm Beach, Florida witnessed a huge starfish gliding across the sand after low tide. While dislodging itself out of the sand, the creature slowly...
In addition to being one of the most curious and intelligent creatures in Earth’s oceans, due to their great size and the fact that they travel...