Randy Guijarro is a former military vet that has been happily married to his wife Linda Guijarro for decades. He has avidly collected antiques and collectibles for...
Instant Friends These pals met one sunny day by the lake. She was a stray but as soon as puppers saw her she was a forever...
Are you looking for a four-legged friend? Dogs can be one of the best options when considering a pet. They are smart, loyal, and affectionate, especially...
When you adopt a pet, you are bringing them into your family for life. When you lose a pet, it feels like you just lost a...
It’s always an incredible journey when pets find their owners after years of neglect, life on the streets and a constant search for their owners. That’s just...
We live in a pretty crazy world, so it is always nice to know when something genuinely sweet happens. If you love cats and dogs then...
Paige Winter, 17, was swimming at Atlantic Beach in North Carolina with her sister when she was pulled under in waist-high water. It quickly became clear...
If you have paid any measure of attention to the Royal Family in recent years, you are well aware of the influence that Kate Middleton has....
If you took one look at 2-year-old Bowie, you’d be shocked at how happy he was. Bowie recently rode the internet to international acclaim after his...
David Carter, 68, was homeless until the efforts of a Univerity of Texas student turned his life upside down. Carter frequented the UT campus as a...