We all love dogs, and we all love adventure and travel, so why not combine the two? For those fans of Instagram, the adventures of Troja...
Air Force One is way more than just a private jet for the President of the United States of America. There are many secrets within it...
It’s rather unusual for police officers to get called out to deal with escaped livestock. Most police officers are basically not used to this kind of...
On an average Saturday in Missouri City, Texas, a suburb of Houston, Emil Knodell strolled through an estate sale. This was a common pastime for Knodell, a retiree who...
A Tortured Puppy with a Birth Condition Gets Chance Second Chance At Life The Daniels family had always wanted a pup but the tiny house they...
Miss Porkchop has personality. The 400 pound pig saw what was happening around her and wanted in on the deal, so she made herself known. Her fellow farm animals...
Who doesn’t love a sloth? How could you not? They are always smiling and just hanging around. They are like your cool laid back friend that you...
13 year old Luke Gill achieved his dream of having his own tiny home by building it himself. The teenager from Iowa used his creative energy...
As a new generation enters the time of dating and marriage, the status quo around dating is starting to change. More and more people are relying on...
It is no secret that pets live to make us happy. They do just about anything they can manage to make sure we are not only...