In a tale that combines the thrill of discovery with a newfound hobby, a Norwegian man named Eriend Bore embarked on a metal-detecting adventure and unearthed...
The United States has witnessed a resurgence in the population of wild Atlantic salmon in its rivers. After years of decline, recent counts have revealed a...
In the charming town of Burlingame, California, where community values and integrity shine brightly, a heartwarming story of honesty and goodwill has unfolded. At the heart...
Maine’s rugged coastline, with its picturesque cliffs and crashing waves, is home to some of the ocean’s most charismatic and beloved residents – the Atlantic puffins....
In the world of wildlife rescue, there are heroes who go above and beyond to help our feathered friends when they are in need. One such...
In the breathtaking landscapes of New Zealand’s South Island, a remarkable story of resilience and conservation is unfolding. The Takahe, a prehistoric bird thought to be...
In the warm and sunny state of Arizona, a touching story of a lost dog named Minion recently unfolded. After an astonishing 12 years apart, Minion...
In a groundbreaking discovery that has left conservationists elated, the elusive glossy black cockatoo nest has been found in the lush landscapes of New South Wales’...
As summer winds down and the school year peeks around the corner, 14-year-old Connor Halsa had one last fishing adventure on his mind. Little did he...
Two brave puma cubs, Elbroch and Olympia, have begun a new chapter of their lives in Pennsylvania after a heartbreaking start. These sibling cubs, a boy...