The Blue-Billed Curassow, also known as the Crax alberti, is a critically endangered species of bird found in the western foothills of the Colombian Andes. These...
Alan Ayers was just like any other skydiver at the competition in Florida in 1970, eager to jump out of the plane and experience the thrill...
As the semester comes to a close, students are preparing for final exams and projects. The pressure and stress can become overwhelming, but Youngstown State University...
Shirley Jones is proving that age is just a number when it comes to achieving your dreams. At 84 years old, she decided to attend Pitt...
A man in Michigan, Don Powell, was left completely puzzled when he discovered two small wooden dolls in his mailbox one day, along with a note...
Michael Copeland is an inspiration to many after completing the grueling 3 peaks challenge with a fridge strapped to his back to raise awareness for mental...
Video calls turned out to be a great way for pet parrots to connect and interact with each other, especially when they are living alone or...
A new study led by Sydney Centre for Language Research Professor Nick Enfield has shown that the human tendency to help others within their social group...
Frank Baez’s inspiring story is a testament to the power of hard work and perseverance. Moving from the Dominican Republic to New York City at the...
In a surprise announcement, Yorkshire Wildlife Park in the UK revealed that rare giant otter triplets had been born at the park on March 27th. The...