In recent weeks, California has been hit with an unexpected amount of snowfall, causing chaos and disruption for many local farmers and ranchers. Springtime is typically...
The Boise Zoo in Idaho is about to get a new addition to their animal family. A two-year-old lioness will be arriving from the Santa Barbara...
It’s not every day that we hear about an 8-year-old changing someone’s life. But that’s exactly what happened when Kayzen Hunter learned that his favorite Waffle...
In a world where everything seems to be disposable, it’s heartwarming to hear a story about an old car that was given a second chance at...
The United States is taking steps to restore more bison herds on tribal lands with the help of indigenous knowledge. Bison are an important symbol of...
Two women, Sandy Hazelip and Ellie Hamby, both 81 years old and good friends, are embarking on a journey of a lifetime. They have set themselves...
In a heartwarming tale of companionship, a Sarus crane has chosen to stay with the man who nursed it back to health. Mohammad Arif, a resident...
Imagine walking through a grocery store with your daughter, and suddenly, a sign catches your eye. It reads: “Jackpot: $747 million.” For many of us, this...
In a remarkable discovery, a man from Florida found a giant clam that has been estimated to be 214 years old. The enormous and old clam...
Dementia is a devastating disease that affects millions of people worldwide. While there is currently no cure for dementia, researchers are working to identify ways to...