If your dog found a pot of gold, you would probably agree the canine earned his keep for the rest of his dog years. That was...
When the environmental movement started in Europe and the 1970s, much of the attention was directed at getting away from combustion-type fuels and dirty pollution. That...
Don’t let the name fool you, because Hell, a town in Michigan, is nothing like the name might suggest. Most recently, the town went as far...
The TV cartoon, The Simpsons, has never been known for being a mild, sedate cartoon with low volume. Instead, it’s been loud, brash and visual. That said,...
As a biologist, finding a new species is a bit like winning the lottery. Not only is the new animal added to the pantheon of what...
What’s the first business everyone tries their hand at as an entrepreneur? If you said a childhood lemonade stand, then you win the prize. That simple...
If you get bumped by a stranger in public, it usually means you were pickpocketed. The rude distraction is an age-old technique to distract the victim...
When homeless people are taken back into a protective service, they end up having to give up a lot of the very things that are the...
When a species goes extinct, it’s supposed to stay dead. As some foresters note, dead trees don’t come back to life. However, in the case of...
While the Nazis became notorious for the atrocities they committed during World War II, they were not the only country that rounded people up because of...