No one likes it when an elderly relative lives alone or has to be left at home alone. Getting help during an emergency can oftentimes prove...
Library regulars expect to see books, computers, magazines, posters, notices, bulletin boards and even seminars at the local library building or community center adjacent to such...
It’s like a sanctuary for seeds if you should turn up at the Fredericton National Tree Seed Centre in Canada. A portion of those seeds will...
There are never enough ways to say thanks to the men and women who put their lives on the line so that our country and people...
In Indonesia, a young Sumatran rhino calf was born as part of a captive breeding project designed to help save the highly threatened species. A Ministry...
Nothing moves the heart as quickly as when a child makes a genuine plea. This is even more so if the child’s plea is related to...
Despite federal as well as provincial rescue undertakings, caribou populations remain on the decline throughout Canada, primarily as a result of human activities. One herd of...
Four years might seem like a short period of time, but for a dog it can be a lifetime of service. Service dogs don’t stop; they...
What do you do with a monk past his 125th birthday who wants to keep serving his neighbor, even if that person has leprosy? Well, if he...
Billionaire Mackenzie Scott has signed a Giving Pledge promising to donate more than half her wealth. She was born in April of 1970 to a father...