An aggressive fungus killed away billions of American chestnuts a hundred years ago. Scientists are now striving to bring the tree back to its former splendor...
Elks are not usually keen on human companionship, and understandably so. However, after a dating rescue recently which saved several of them from being frozen to...
Now that Rein, the conservation dog, has spent the better part of a decade searching for kiwis to keep them from going extinct, it’s time for...
We’ve been hearing about the advent of machines and the significant roles they’ve been playing in many sectors. Many people have been fearful of robots coming...
Since cheetahs have been extinct in India for at least seven decades, the Environment Ministry hopes to use the cheetah as a tool to help revive...
Imagine doing something you hope would save someone’s life with no ulterior motives and later becoming the recipient of a medical scholarship. That’s what happened to...
There are a lot of odd characters at Burning Man, the annual Labor Day Weekend celebration in the western desert, but the last one folks usually...
When someone saves another’s life in a day, it’s oftentimes an amazing thing. When that happens twice in the same day, folks start thinking in terms...
For the longest time, anyone who wanted to recover clarity in their eyesight for reading had to do one of two things: either they started using...
A good number of species have gone extinct in the 19th and 20th centuries thanks to humans, development, and lack of awareness of what change can do to...