Moving around for most women in labor is typically a tedious task; therefore, even transporting oneself to the hospital could prove dangerous. However, New Zealand politician...
On the city’s buses, ferries, and subways, Boji the street dog has been something of a local celebrity. A few months ago, his exploits began to...
An eager young college student finally has her very own four-legged best friend who shares her adoration of Hallmark films and the great outdoors following a...
Because of its high concentration of mitochondria, the human retina ages more rapidly than most other organs, losing 70 percent of its ATP in the course...
The manatee inhabitants in the Amazon have been showing signs of growth following a period of extreme commercial fisheries from the 1930s to the 1950s. There...
Some people will use all sorts of algorithms to determine what the following winning lottery number will be, while others say it comes to them in...
A Veterans Therapy Act was ratified into legislation by President Joe Biden after several studies into post-traumatic stress disorder, PTSD, and service dogs. They’ve implemented a...
This pandemic has wreaked so much havoc on many people’s lives, from their health to finances. While some ended up jobless or being at home caring...
These days, there are very few hobbies in which young children and teens are not involved. Children do not venture into some because of the danger...
For a human, a dog may be a great companion. However, when a good throwing stick is flying through the air, a human might as well...