Abigail Brady was busy mopping up her basement after the family’s water heater got damaged thereby causing a little flood in the basement. All of a...
Appreciation continues to go to workers at Toronto’s Pearson International Airport for their bravery skills. Last week, a vivacious filled dog managed to flee from a...
A kid named Charlie Jones has developed a weird zeal for ugly pumpkins, making a little fortune from selling them and thoughtfully, he’s giving away the...
A boy is finally able to keep the monsters under his bed at bay with the help of a pharmacist’s potion. Seven year old Jakob had...
Tasmanian devil which was believed to be extinct has made its return to the forests of Australia. This is the first time the animal has been...
A surprising act happened in the Turkish city of Izmit this past week. A drama group was filming one of its scenes by the roadside when...
The U.S. as a nation literally represents a melting pot of cultures, behaviors, norms, beliefs and people. As a result, it is quite possible to travel...
A miracle happened for an old couple in south Delhi this past week. The couple — Gaurav Vasan and Badami Devi own a tiny kiosk where...
While riding on a North Carolina road, a crew of mountain bikers discovered a dog stuck in a sinkhole 30 feet down. But how did they...
A new study from Finland has looked into the probability of older people of this current time being more stronger and vibrant compared to people of...