After losing their baby in utero, Tom and Brianne were devasted. Following the loss, Tom hoped that he would be the father to twins. In utero...
It was a hot 92-degree day in Milwaukee as Shamika began her daily bus route. Shamika drives one of many city buses that provides cheap and...
For most, having just one kid is already a massive task in itself. It’s the reason the saying, “it takes a village to raise a child,”...
Richard Watkins is a family man first and businessman second who lives with a family in Ohio. As the executive of a large car manufacturing firm,...
There is a common misconception in society regarding the end of a marriage as a woman. The thought is that the marriage ends because you are...
High school graduations are occasions that get people thinking about both the past and the future. Many people become nostalgic when they graduate from high school....
Some individuals become mothers early in life. Others have their first children when they’re a bit older. There are many factors involved either way. Both of...
People who used to go to the gym on a regular basis are now exercising in their homes. Some people have always done so, and it...
Looks can be deceiving. Icy is an ugly dog that is currently residing at a canine shelter in Canada. Despite the fact that Icy is not...
Animal poaching has been going on for a long time. Many species are becoming endangered as a result. Some species have been driven to extinction. Fortunately,...