I have a cat who actually likes to walk around the yard in a harness and leash. I also had a dog when I was younger...
When I was much younger, probably around the age of 10 or so, I remember visiting a Ripley’s Believe It or Not museum. Being such an...
Cats often spend most of their days trying to get the attention of their owners. Many people find it hard to type when their cats are...
There is nothing quite like taking an afternoon off to go deep-sea fishing. Fishing in the ocean can be an exciting, adventurous, and thrilling occasion. The...
The police have been using dogs to help them for a long time. Max, a young German Shepherd in the Dyfed-Powys Police Department K-9 unit, successfully found...
Strong bonds of friendships at times will be forged through the toughest of trials and the most challenging of misfortunes. However, there are friendships that are...
Would you consider yourself a cat person? Do you find yourself drawn to petting or cuddling with just about anything furry? If so, this story might...
It was an average evening for Harrell Fischer who was working on his boat one night in Sacramento, California. Suddenly he heard gunshots. Like out of...
The classic American doll, Barbie, has performed, been portrayed in, or taken over just about every professional function in society. So, it’s no surprise that given...
People enjoy learning about pets on social media sites and when a dog seems to exude a behavior that is unique or charming, many people may wind...